Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Price Check On Hot Guy Please!

Last night I was shopping for groceries, watching the gay couples out on their errands, picking up things together, I could not help think that hopefully one day that will be me and my man. That thought used to scare the crap out of me, to be seen with a boyfriend out in public, now however it still scares me somewhat but not as much as never having the chance to be a couple in public.
I finished getting what I needed and headed to the cash register, it does not matter which one I pick, long line or short because with my backwards luck I will always get the one where someone has an odd item with no price. The result is me standing there waiting while people run around doing a price check, usually once the check is done, the customer will then say they no longer want the item and ask to have it put back. As I was picking which cashier I saw him, a guy that is so hot it makes my day when he works there. He looks like Wentworth Miller from Prison Break, oh yikes, I knew which line I was getting in! I did not care that his line was longer than the others, maybe all these people were in this line for the same reason. I could just stare and drool for hours at this guy. While I was watching him, my gaydar beeped, hmmm I started to wonder, yes there was something there, he was a little too thoughtful and polite to the customers. Oh come on, we all know most straight guys are big apes with pants on, the only time they are thoughtful to a stranger is when they are trying to get her to go home with them!
Anyway the line was moving way too fast, I was wondering where is the price check that plagues me? Where is the little old lady that says, "sorry dear could you ask someone to exchange these crackers with the unsalted ones, these kind upset my digestion." Next it was me, aaahh! Soon my time with my dream guy would be all over, no! He kept handing the bags right to me and our hands touched (I made sure of it) every time I took the bag from him, soft warm hands, is that what it would feel like if you were my boyfriend holding my hand. I check, no ring on the fingers. Then it happened, one of my items showed up with no price, oh yes thank you so much, you do love me! Price check! "Sorry about this sir," oh no problem guy just let me get a reeeeal good look at you. Think of something to say Steven, so I started joking that maybe it was free and we began to talk a little bit, girl comes with the price (bitch) but it is the wrong item, YES! Back to the iles wench! I am off in fifteen minutes he says out of the blue, so I start with well so long day then, blah blah blah. I should have been smart enough to ask if he was going home to the wife and kids, just to see the answer. There is a baby crying loud non stop, I was hoping he would ask if I had kids because I was ready to say no that I am gay, I figured if there was any chance that would be it. The guy behind me keeps trying to join in the conversation and my gaydar begins to 'lol' when I see how gay this guy is, however stop looking at my hot cashier be-otch and get lost cause he is talking to me! Then the girl comes back with the price, I pay for my stuff, he thanks me and I go off thinking how amazing one night with that guy might be, just the chance to see him naked. As I walk to my car it hits me... O_O ... why did he suddenly turn to me and say he is off in fifteen!


David said...

I don't know but you only had 14 minutes to wait until you found out.

Cardinal said...

I agree with David, yo.

Creative Thinker said...

what you need to do is to keep going back to that store and standing in line all the damn time. See if you can get an idea of his schedule and to get there right before he gets off (no pun intended). Chat him up each time...after about the third time, say something like you are headed to starbucks to get some coffee... you look like you could use some too, after a busy day.. wanna join me. See what he says. The key is to make yourself very visible. I expect great things of you (plus an update). Good Luck.

K said...


I'm totally co-signing on what creative thinker said. You have to find a way to "drop in" around the time that he is leaving.


daveincleveland said...

please please tell me the story did not end there....and that you are once again....teasing us......

daveincleveland said...

how many groceries do you need...i mean, stuff does not stay fresh all that long and you should go back each day....lol

Daniel Thomasson said...

I feel you pain. I do it all the time. I guess I am just oblivious to certain signs until it is too late. I agree that you need to go back into the store and get in his line. Just to make sure there is a problem with one of your items, take your keys and scratch out the bar code that way there will have to be another price check. Keep the conversation going and see where it all goes. I wish you luck

john said...

Okay, so did you wait to see what happened? Did he come out to say hello?

S said...

Ummm... you left out the end of the story.

Victor said...

I loved this posting. My visits to the supermarket are always a bitter sweet experience. The joy of a momentary exposure to gorgeous guys in the queue followed by bitterness when they depart and I am never to see, touch or enjoy them again.

Anonymous said...

let the stalking commence

Wayne said...

Creative thinker has a good idea! maybe that's why he's creative thinker!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I know now David but at the time I was too light headed to see that!

Zac, I wasn't thinking clear buddy, yo! ;)

CT, you are sooo smart, I love you! That is SUCH a good idea! Very creative thin... hmmm, yeah good name for you. :)

K, I think it was around eight, so I will try. Good luck with your hot guy!

Dave, I need to go back today! ;) Well of course the story ends there Dave, what part of in the closet, scared sh..less did you not understand about me? Haha!

Daniel, oooh another good idea! Damage the bar code, yes! You guys are so helpful! Hahaha! Love your glitter ball BTW!

John, no I did not think to wait, I thought about it on my way home in the car but too late then.

Steven, sorry but that was the end. Gee what part of big chicken are you people not getting!

Victor, hello and welcome to my blog! I hear you man!

Eliot, stalking I shall do! No no I mean admiring him obsessively, sounds better.

Wayne, yes I will second that one! Now lets see if I am brave enough to do it.

Steve said...

Go back to the store and talk to him. Wait...no....go back to the store, make a pic for us to see! And then talk to him ;)

David said...

If you go back to that store and see him you better not make fun of me an Panera Bread guy.

Oh... wait, that's for John.

Anonymous said...

You go for it! Your new favourite place to shop. And the coffee offer is perfect. Good luck.

TWISI said...

OMG, you better have gone back in.

Bill said...

Are you sure he didn't say that to the gay guy behind you? ;)

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Steve, I thought of trying to get a picture, I can't see doing it without drawing attention to myself though.

David, but I always go to that store, it is right down the street from me, not across the city like some desperate guy I heard of! Besides what is it you always say "it is not stalking if you don't follow them home!" ;)

M, I'm too chicken buddy! Coffee does sound good though.

Kendall, I have to go today, so lets hope you know who is there!

Bill! You brat do you want to lose our friendship! Why yes Mr Bill I do know for a fact he said it to me. I was standing right beside him at this point while nerdy gay guy was about five feet away from us and to our side, so no mistake who he said it to. Plus my gay ass is way hotter than the other guy! ;p

Bill said...

Maybe the cashier has one of those cast-eyes, and it just looked like he was talking to you. Maybe he's attracted to the nerdy types. You're probably way too hot for him, and too bold & aggressive.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

No no no! He turned towards me and away from that not as hot as me guy! He was talking to me Bill, me me me! Ugh, I am really not happy with you right now Bill. ;p

Agressive, well I really want to tap that ass but I didn't throw him into my trunk...... um yet.