I'm a little under the weather today so I stayed home, nothing serious. I thought I should post something so that I don't get a lecture from.. Mr Lurker ðŸ¤.
Hmm, what to say. It's hard not to start pouring out my thoughts regarding getting older, I mean that I did have an idea that it wouldn't be fun but I just feel beat down all the time. I have just realized that no matter how much sleep or vacation or eating healthy or exercise I get, I will never again shake the feeling that I was at an all night party, even though I wasn't. It seems that every teen idol I had is celebrating a 75th birthday and I am shocked every time. A friend's daughter said to me the other day that she and her husband can't afford a honeymoon until sometime in 2025, I laughed because in my head I was thinking ten years from now, then I realized that is next year. 😳
We were in Cuba for a week after the New Year. It was great, perfect weather, drinks, food and beach. It's my second time there. The thing about Cuba is that it's very inexpensive to go, however if you have never been there, you have to be warned about what to expect. It is a third world country under a communist government so you really have to lower your expectations. There's not a lot of choices regarding food and it's almost impossible to get anything there, the markets are mostly filled with trinkets for tourists. Unless you want alcohol or cigars, there's plenty of that. As usual I didn't get any colour, thanks to my pasty white Irish background. I will also say that most Cuban men are very handsome. If you decide to go, it's best to go with a group of people, it's more fun that way.
Thanks for all the comments on my last post, I always read every one, I seem to be having trouble responding to them individually, yay technology 🙄.