Saturday, May 18, 2019

Midnight Lecture.

 Tonight I got home after midnight, I was "out with the boys". I should have gotten away with that since I'm alone... but no... I was in trouble, I got a silent lecture and if you were able to actually hear it, I think it would go something like this.

 "Stop right there mister! Where have YOU been! Stop the car, not another inche! I'm standing right here until I get an explanation! I have been waiting for my yum yums all evening and you never showed up. Look at the time, I am furious with you... so I'm going to walk up the driveway... at my own kitty pace and you will just have to crawl along in your car as punishment. No... no you will not go around me, I will keep getting in front of you, I told you as punishment you follow me... (((I))) don't follow you. What did you think, that I would act like some, ugh.. dog..  and just be ecstatic that you showed up, doesn't work that way with me buddy"!


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Haha 🀣
Hope you had fun!


anne marie in philly said...

NEVER piss off the cat. they will leave nasty items in your shoes.

Jimmy said...

You were out tomcating. Picking up strays can be fun!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sixpence, yes I had fun... just don't tell the cat!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Anne Marie, lol no she never does anything like that but I was surprised by her actions last night. She loves eating lol.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Jimmy, oh you clever man, nice puns hahaha!

Deedles said...

My mind went to a whole nuther place! I thought you were out on the farm walking around nekkid with your "boys". Next thing I know, you're talking about chasing (albeit slowly) pussy! I need another cup of coffee! I'm not ready for public consumption! I shoulda stayed in hibernation! I need to remove my ! key!

Richard said...

I was out with the boys last night too. I was awakened this morning by the cat walking on my chest which was followed by a paw nudging my nose. He runs my life.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Deedles my sweetie pie, last night the temperature was at freezing here, my "boys" would have climbed up inside me to my ears if I did that! Well at least no mosquitoes... yet! Lol

Sooo-this-is-me said...

My old girl doesn't run my life... much... but she certainly does see me as staff some of the time, she also loves me because she will put herself in harm's way to protect me like a dog.

Old Lurker said...

How inconsiderate of you. The least you could have done is called the cats and let them know you would be late.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Old Lurker, their cellphone reception is not that good in the country, I can't tell you how many times they sit there saying, "can you hear meow, can you hear meow".