Saturday, November 30, 2019

November's end.

The end of November already, the boring, grey, dreary, month. Like a Kevin Costner movie, we will just plow through it to the end and then forget about it. Today was sunny but cold, I did work outside for a while but depressingly enough, the sun started setting at 3:54. Tomorrow will be December already, where does the time go? I can't believe it's time to start pulling out and setting up the Christmas lights. I'm not sure how much I'm going to do this year, I may just put up outside lights and no decorations inside. I seriously feel like I just put everything away from the last holiday season, lol. Wasn't Halloween this past week?

  I was told an interesting story by one of my new gay friends, regarding an incident that happened to him. It sadly seems to be very common and it's something that really makes me angry.

 My new buddy (Mike), had been married with children by the time he realized what gay meant. Mike divorced his wife and was worried that his church wouldn't accept him, he was a member of an evangelical church. Surprisingly the minister was kind and compassionate, he told Mike, that he was always welcomed there.

 Many in that church were not happy to have a progressive, loving, caring minister, they worked to have him removed and finally were successful. They brought in a minister that was less loving, caring and compassionate, one that was more in line with evangelical beliefs. Every week as he thumped the bible, he preached about how homosexuality was the cause of all ills. Finally Mike had enough and left the church.

 Mike began to discover his sexuality and made some good friends. One friend asked Mike to join his church as it was more accepting of gay people, he did and never looked back. He began to form a positive community around himself. This friend of Mike's also functioned as a friend with benefits, they often hooked up so that Mike could see what he had been missing and learn a thing or two! One day the friend asked Mike if he wanted to try having a third partner added in for excitement, he said yes.

 The friend told Mike that he knew someone who would be interested in a three-way as well. Apparently the guy told the friend that he knew Mike when shown Mike's picture and really wanted to hook up with them. Mike was really excited about trying something new and showed up early to his friend's house. There he excitedly waited to see who was going to walk through the door. The door opened and Mike instantly felt rage! Standing there.. was the hateful evangelical minister.

 Mike was tongue tied, he could only keep saying, "how dare you! How dare you"! The minister thought the situation was funny, he couldn't see why Mike was so upset, he was surprised by Mike leaving. Mike couldn't believe the boldness of the minister... to recognize Mike's picture and try to hook up with him. Mike stormed out saying, "not even if you were the last man on earth"!

 I'm not going to add anything to this, I'm tired of this garbage, what more is there for me to say? Those types of people with that selfish warped way of thinking, speak for themselves.


Old Lurker said...

Even we self-loathing homosexuals need to pay our rent. Would you prefer Mr Evangelical Minister to be out of work?

Sooo-this-is-me said...

OL, yes cruel judgmental hypocrites like that should be tossed out onto the streets with "fag" tattooed across its forehead. Clear enough for you?

Christina said...

That is the most appalling display of hypocrisy I have ever heard of.period.

On a brighter note, put your decorations up inside. They are there to make you feel good. If you've no energy leave the ones outside. You're putting those up for others to enjoy. Think about yourself!๐Ÿ˜€

It will soon be the shortest day and then we can look forward to spring! Yay!

Mistress Maddie said...

And the real sad and disgusting part of this is the minster. He still doesn't see the real problem...….being the bitch I'm am, had I be Mike, that story would "get back" to that church and then that piece of ringworm filth can see how it feels to be expelled from society, and his "loving" congregation.

But worry not. Karma will get him. Always does.

Dave R said...

I think it will be interesting to see how Climate Change effects the Crazy Christian mind. Some will no doubt call it Judgment, however science, that one strength constantly battering their deceit, has been predicting this for years. Those 'loving' congregations will be desperately trying to survive.

And, as for November, well, I'm a Scorpio. I love this month! The sunny days and the crisp temperatures. This is the season when nature pulls up the blanket and goes to sleep for the winter.

anne marie in philly said...

the xstains are a hypocritical bunch. and you don't HAVE to decorate at all.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Self-loathing, hypocritical homosexuals should be shunned and shamed til the end of time. And never, under any circumstances be allowed the joy of sex with another man.
Back to the weather, yes, I absolutely feel you with the super short days. I'm too tropical for this!!
If you do lights, post a pic!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Crap like this happens all too often.

Richard Schwent said...

It's ok not to decorate.

Old Lurker said...

Tattoos? That's harsh. Aren't tattoos prohibited by the Bible in Leviticus 19:28?

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Christina, yes you're right, inside is for me. I decided the last two years to decorate inside because I needed to be reminded of happier times. I hadn't decorated for years. Even the last few years that mom was here, I didn't decorate. The outside lights are for me as well, I am very remote from everything, not even a street light so this time of year is very very very very dark. Also some of the women around here said they find the lights comforting on their drive home at night, so I like to make people happy. Plus outdoor is easy, toss some strings of lights into the trees, plug them in and voila!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Maddie, that thought would cross my mind but somehow I find it funnier that all these sweet little evangelicals are being guided by a man who smokes penis, probably some of the husbands. Sooner or later it's going to get out and I love the shocked looks!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Dave, I'm a Scorpio as well, that's why I'm smoking hot between the sheets. Maybe where you are November is nice, here the best description of it would be "gray".

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Anne Marie, yup I agree with everything you said, including not decorating! Lol!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sixpence, yes I agree, no sex for gayvangelicals!
I will post pics if I do lights.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Debra, yes that's why I'm getting tired of it, just way too often!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Richard, for a straight man... but I'm wondering if I could lose my toaster oven for not decorating?

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Lurker, yes I think it goes with the part about having a three-way with two men!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Cali Boi, what and no invitation? ;D

They would probably say it was fake news... or some might say, "that's my husband"!

You need to wear suits more often handsome!

Old Lurker said...

I think the congregation would forgive Mr Evangelical Minister. Ted Haggard's congregation forgave him for a while.

Besides, would you really want him preaching the evils of homosexuality without a personal understanding of the issues? He was probably just doing market research.

Ur-spo said...

I saw the ending coming. This is sooo common alas. What a sad and awful tale.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Lurker, maybe you should become a preacher, at least they would know for certain that their minister wasn't having gay sex... oh snap Lurker!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Dr Spo, when he was telling me the story, I felt also that this was how it was about to end. That's why I say I'm really tired of these self hating gays. Yes I hated being gay when younger and I wasn't very supportive and to be honest, ashamed and embarrassed to be gay; however I would never make another gay person feel that way or promote that way of thinking. To harm our own is sick.

HuntleyBiGuy said...

Ok I was a little surprised by the ending. I thought it would have been the first minister and everyone would have a gay old time. But like many before me said that minister can rot and burn in everlasting hell.

Not once would I entertain thoughts of meeting up with a repug or evangelical. Like Sixpence said, so full of self-loathing. Some of us have enough trouble without adding that trash.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

HuntleyBiGuy, I felt the story was going to end that way because it happens over and over. Actually the kind minister is probably straight because kind straight guys don't feel threatened by gay men and have no problem being friends with them. I'm always suspicious of men that are negatively obsessed with homosexual sex. Sadly there a lot of gay men that would welcome sleeping with a guy like that.