Friday, January 8, 2016

Dream'in of Seamen.

File this under WTF-rig, over the last couple of weeks I have been having repeated dreams about seamen, no wait not good dreams, gross dreams because actually they are about semen and not seamen. I don't know what the heck the interpretation of these dreams are but I'm not sure that I really want to find out. I should probably point out that I am slightly repulsed by the man goo, the smell of bleach and ammonia with the consistency of phlegm. Many times I have received warning letters about being expelled from the gay club for holding this view but I can't help it, eww, ick don't get that on or anywhere near me! .............................................. The first dream was a bit unsettling, I dreamt that I had been sleeping, on my back, in the nude (which I never do) and during the night I had contracted a type of flu bug, only the results were that instead of vomiting, I was... umm umm, shall we say being a semen fountain, all night. In the dream when I wake up, it's everywhere and there is a large puddle of it on the floor. Suddenly I hear some of my relatives coming up the stairs calling me, I have to scramble to shut the door before they see the disgusting mess. I wake up for real feeling grossed out to the point of nearly being sick. ................................... Wait, it gets worse, a few nights later I have a dream that I meet some of my gay friends at a gay bar. All seems fine, we are having a good time and are heading out to a restaurant joking and laughing, when suddenly as we pass a men's washroom, a creepy guy who had been playing with himself, darts out and smears semen on my face! With my mouth partially open from laughing you can guess what happened. The rest of the dream I am trying to have assault charges laid but I am also in a panic over the health status of the perverted guy. ...................................... That was weird/gross but it gets worse. Then there is the dream where I am in my room again and I noticed semen, on my headboard, then on the floor, curtains, window sill, some on the walls and I am trying to figure out what is going on. I look closer and I see these large black beatles, they are chewing the frame of the window and chewing holes in the walls and all the while doing this they are secreting semen, like some bugs put out silk or slugs leave a trail, it's them that are making a mess, everywhere. .............................................. The last one is not as clear, I end up going to the doctor for a lung or stomach infection, turns out to my absolute embarrassment, it's because I was not careful, at some point while spending time with myself (yes that kind of alone time) I wasn't careful with my aim and got myself in the face, causing a form of sperm infection in my lungs, where they then had to alert the entire hospital. This time I woke up from embarrassment. I have no clue what the heck this is about. I am amazed at the bizarre dreams my little brain comes up with. I'm not sure if I should be impressed, grossed out or frightened.


larrymuffin said...

I think your subconscious is trying to tell you that you are in fact Straight, being gay is just a phase. Of course I could be wrong. Or maybe this is a Japanese sort of dream with Bukake fantasy. Mind you in Japanese Bukakkeru means splashing water.
I don't know what these dreams mean it is just a dream that is all, that is what my shrink Dr. Spo would say. You do have a vivid imagination.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

The other day I was on line browsing, I was tricked into clicking on a site that had me believe a nude man picture was waiting for me. When I clicked on the site a picture of a nude woman came up and the focus was not on her face. Staring at "that" in horror, I laughed as the little voice in the back of my mind said "yup, you're absolutely gay for sure".

Anonymous said...

Good grief it sounds line nightmare on elm street gone wrong. Have a strong nightcap tonight and hope for the best!

Willym said...

Better it should be seaman... though that damned salt water can sting!

Ur-spo said...

Sorry I only analyze dreams for cash.