Thursday, February 7, 2008

First Gay Bar, Woo Hoo!

So I finally did it, I went to my first gay bar last night! There is more to this story though and how it unfolded. I mentioned a while ago that I had made another new friend here in the city, we have spoken on the phone and emailed a few times. The other day we exchanged pictures and I nearly hit the floor, he is a tall ruggedly handsome guy, sooo my type! He asked if we could meet and go out for coffee or a drink, I said yes I would love to. He is a really thoughtful person, we were going to meet at a gay bar but knowing that would be uncomfortable for me, he had us meet for coffee first, and then after go together to the bar. I felt so nervous waiting for him and when he walked in I think my tongue fell out. He was a lot better looking than his picture, and tall, real tall, yeah got to love a tall guy. My legs were shaking like crazy, it felt like they were jello. We had spoke on the phone but meeting in person is so different. He is so down to earth and such a really nice guy. We are starting a friendship but I knew from this guys emails, I would like much more. We hit it off great, I suddenly realized I was making him nervous as well, I liked that feeling. We finished our drinks and headed out to the bar.

On our way there, he had this big grin on his face, he asked if I would go to a 'shop' with him. I knew what was coming so I said sure. He took me into a gay sex shop, he was kind of laughing and I know he was doing it to tease me but he also turned around and seriously said that if I felt uncomfortable we could leave at any second. I looked around at all the things that will never ever touch my body. It was fun to have friend with me in there. I did not think until after that I should have bought a T shirt. We walked out and smack into my cousin's husband, crap, busted, see told you it is a small town! Oh well, hopefully he did not see where I came from, we talked a little, really there is nothing I can do about it now and honestly I am only mildly bothered about it.

We went to the bar, it is more of a bar to relax in, like a gay cheers. It was almost all men, maybe four or five real women in total. Just joking about the real women part, no drag there, a lot of guys dressed up, after a day at the office types. Most actually looked straight to be honest or I should say you could not tell them from straight guys in a group setting. I liked it, friendly place and it was nice to be able to openly talk about gay issues and relationships. It was also nice that the people around us were talking about the same things. It was awesome to go with someone else and not have to walk in alone. I was a bit on the defensive at first if another guy came to close to me tough, then finally I realized someone is not going to come up and hit on me. Even if they did, it is kind of a good thing and I can always respectfully decline.

The guy, lets call him Dave. We got along so well, like I said Dave is a real easy going, down to earth guy, funny, easy to talk to and the more I got to know him, the more I want to get to know him! We talked for hours and by the end of the night he was sitting very close to me, he is a total gentleman so no jumping into bed and he is a romantic at heart from what I can tell. I was under a spell staring into his soft brown eyes as he spoke to me, he even smelled good and I don't mean cologne, I mean his body, every now and then he would touch my leg, arm or shoulder and it would send a charge through me, I felt so alive. I think we both really opened up to each other, he is one of those people that you meet and feel like you have always known him. Finally we had to go, I did not want the night to end. When I got home, I knew I was really taken by him. I worried all night if he liked me, was my hair okay, did I look good, would I ever have a chance with him, what did he think of me. I worried that he would not consider dating me since I am only coming out. He is totally someone I would like to try dating. This morning I think I got my answer. He emailed me at seven this morning to say what a nice time he had and that he thought I was handsome. Then after he emailed me some pictures and jokes. I think that is a sign, yes?

Well yes you better believe we made plans to meet again, he wants to take me in a few weeks to Montreal, they have a much better gay night life there. They also have male strip bars there, not that it is really my thing, just it is something I want to experience at least once, so I asked and he agreed. I can't wait! The other strange thing is that Friday I have another coffee date, and this guy seems pretty down to earth as well. If we hit it off, how strange will it be that I have two really nice guys that may want to date me after all this time alone!


Darwin said...

BRILLIANT! Congrats... hope it works out! Sounds like a great fist date, and a really good guy! holding thumbs. Even if he is tall ;-)

Victor said...

That's great. He sounds very thoughtful and considerate.

danny/ink2metal said...

you go, girl!

just remember to trust your instincts if you do end up having to choose two really great guys. now that's one of those problems situations most of us would love be in.

maybe you can have both? LOL

seriously, steven, you never know. ;-}

gay, christian and scared shitless said...

Good gosh Steve, skills. I never had you down as a playa :-P

Bill said...

Why is that song "Finally" from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert going through my head?

And before you puff up like an adder, no, I am not calling you a queen.

But I bet you'd look pretty with a tiara on your head.

I am so glad you had a good time!

Daniel Thomasson said...

I'm glad you had a chance to experience your first gay bar with someone as thoughtful as "Dave". I hope that things work out great for the two of you. I hope to hear a lot more about him.

don said...

Fucking beautiful Steven. Loved it brother. You go boy!

Crazy Sam said...

This is so insanely great! Would love to hear how this all turns up.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Its almost how me and my partner met. We had agreed to take the same train down to the beach and when the train got to the station and he was at the door, I almost didn't get in, I was so taken by his charm and looks. I was frozen for a while, till I heard the whistle and jumped on. We chatted over lunch and stuff. We also experienced things together like looking in a sex shop (lol - I blushed the whole time), and going to a club, which is not our thing, but it was something to see for myself. He sounds like a real gentleman, a real catch. I'm glad you got a good guy. Wishing you all the best.

Daddy Cool said...

Glad you had fun! Relax and enjoy.

john said...

Wow, that is so amazing. See, you thought you would never meet someone!!
Congrats. I always told you that you were handsome. And why wouldn't he like you? You are an amazing person. Remember, he is the lucky one, the person who snagged you. I am sure he is also under your charm spell because you can be just that--charming!
I am so happy for you buddy!!

Java said...

How totally thrilling! I hope things continue to work well for you two. Or maybe the other guy will be great, too! Please keep us posted. Stay smart and have fun.

TWISI said...

WOOHOO! way to go!

Steven said...

Kudos and congratulations! I'm glad things are materializing for you and that you are getting more and more comfortable being in your own skin. It was probably only a few months ago that there may have been a much worse reaction to seeing your cousin's husband. All it takes is time and I'm glad it's moving along well for you. Good luck with your other coffee date too! :-)

Steve said...

Well done Steven! This is really great to hear.

Greetings from Madrid, Spain, where me and my bf are (re)exploring the gayscene.

Pete said...

Wow! Congratulations! Strip clubs in Montreal? Keep us up to speed about that one!

Alex said...

That sounds like an awesome time. There's definitely some potential there. Please keep us posted on things. Alex

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a whirlwind!
Putting yourself out there a bit usually reaps you rewards :)

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Thanks guys, it was fun for me and a good experience. Oh I think Dave is a total catch! Any one have a large net I could borrow???
I am getiing a lot of new people lately and I really like to meet new people. Martin welcome to my blog and thanks for the comments, Crazy Sam, I think you have been here before and I read your blog but I am not sure if I ever said welcome to you. I love that kissing video on your blog!
