Saturday, March 2, 2019
Saturday collection of mini posts.
Sometimes there are a lot of little life moments that are not big enough for one post, so like a box of toys, I'm going to dump them out. For example, yesterday in the cafeteria I noticed something and I felt empathy for the person. A woman who is rather large and has in the past complained about her weight, purchased a salad for lunch; however she then proceeded to pour at least a half-cup to a full cup of creamy dressing on top of her salad. I don't know if she understands that she might as well just buy what she really wants, rather than get a salad and drown it in fatty dressing. The point of the healthy choice was cancelled out by the unhealthy topping. I have a lot of empathy for people struggling with weight issues. People don't think I can relate because I have always been so thin all my life; however for a man to be unusually thin, can almost be as bad as a woman on the heavier side. I understand what it's like not to be able to change your weight no matter what you do. Trust me, when you hear two people talking and one says "yuck, Steve is so skinny, gross... I would never date him", that hurts. People need to understand eating better and not torturing themselves by eating less.
Speaking of poor eating habits, I'm in there, yes I "know" better but I don't listen to "me" either. One man at work confessed that he has to have fruitloops for breakfast, there are no other options for him. I told him I'm not judging, I told him of my bachelor's supper. It was often chocolate milk and a piece of blueberry pie. We has a good laugh but now I have out done myself. The other night I came home and wasn't that hungry, I had made a lemon pie so I had a piece, later I was still a little hungry so I drank a beer since I find it makes me feel full after. In other words... yes I had beer and lemon meringue pie for supper. It's suddenly become clear to me why bachelors tend to have a shorter lifespan.
On the radio they were asking about hugs, the host wanted to know if you were hugged by someone and were surprised by how great the hug felt. That the person somehow completely generated a feeling of warmth and friendship to you. Yes, that happened to me and I'm not a hugger, I tend never to hug and I feel awkward doing it. I bring this up because it was Dr Spo from Sporeflections, the best hug I have ever received in my life from a non boyfriend! :)
During my teenage years I listened to music that was not top forty, I wanted to be like the other kids but I hated most of the music on the radio. Also my school being in the country was a bit of an anomaly, the other half liked heavy metal or were stuck in the sixties with Beatles music. Anyway I mentioned that the lead singer of Talk Talk (Mark Hollis) passed away. Everyone I talked to this week never heard of him/them. I will leave you with one of my favorite songs called "I believe in you" but it's not a sappy happy song, it's slightly haunting, it was written with his brother in mind,who was addicted to heroin and eventually died.
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Oh, I know what you mean.
I usually only blogging during the week but there’s so many things that happen in this news cycle (and in life) that I can’t help but blog about it 😄🤓.
And I know what you mean about the whole food thing. I got to eating these little plantain chips from Trader Joe’s (an American chain) and how I can’t stop. Last week I have a WHOLE BAG of those instead of dinner. Yep. So the fruit loops routine does not surprise me. Or pie and beer.
(holds out a plate for a slice of pie)
(holds out her arms for a hug too)
I feel you on so many levels (purely platonic of course). There are times when I wish I could go back to complaining about being too skinny. I was five foot six and on hundred and twelve pounds soaking wet. Skinny legs and big feet. Natural swimmer. Now I have to worry about harpoons while getting my swim on. The "baby" that did this to me is now forty-two, so I really need to stop blaming him.
I now have a dietician to help me get my diabetes under control. I fear I will be her biggest challenge and disappointment. I certainly was to my trainer ex daughter-in-law! No brag, just fact. The dietician's first question was what did I eat for breakfast. Cold pizza and garlic sticks, of course. Sometimes I just can't face an egg in the morning.
I do wish that I can learn that a pint of ice cream is supposed to be four servings, and a sleeve of Ritz crackers isn't a meal. I don't bring this stuff into the house. I think Balder Half is trying to kill me and make it look like natural causes.
Steven, if you are skinny, but healthy, embrace that twiggy body! If someone is going to judge you on your size or looks, they are not worthy of your ginormous heart and awesomeness! So there! Thus ends this book :)
Beer and lemon pie. That's a new one, but if it satisfied your hungry, who am Ito judge?
I used to work as a bartender in college, and the bar manager liked to hug all of the bartenders every night when we came to work, and when we left. I learned to love a good hug.
I fall into the 'I don't know Talk Talk' category, but that is a beautiful song. I find myself more interested in lyrics than the music, and this one hit home for me.
Wait a minute. You MADE a LEMON PIE?! You BAKE PIES?? This had better be on your dating profile. Your profile pic should be you wearing a baker's apron and a smile, holding out a SLICE OF PIE that you BAKED YOURSELF. Then you won't be single any more.
Im a huge hugger! I love to give and receive.
But this talk of eating has now made me feel bad about my breakfast choice of homemade biscuits and gravy. Swim suit season is right around the corner damn it.
Now stand still Steven, I have a hug for you(((((((( ))))))))))
Steven, don't listen to Old Lurker! Never fall for anyone who is only interested in your pie! By the way, did you actually bake one from scratch or pull out a frozen one?
You're absolutely right, Deedles. Find somebody who is also interested in your CAKES and STRUDELS and CROISSANTS.
Did I also mention that he chops wood and hangs Christmas lights? (How about his Canadian citizenship?)
Did someone mention strudel??? I bet Steven has nice strudel....
Old Lurker is on to something! Find someone interested in all of your goods! Being Canadian nowadays is a super bonus.
@Maddie- we're still talking edibles here, aren't we? Heh.
When was living abroad and I was on my own - which was, off and on, for 10-12 years, my idea's of dinner were often, how shall we say no, rather colourful in their composition. Not sure lemon meringue pie and beer were every in the equation but how am I to judge?
I've always been a very tactile person - hugs have always been part of my greeting for people I care about. One thing that has thrown me here on the Island is the kissing on the lips - that does throw me a bit. And Dr Spo gives great hugs.
I love "I Believe In You", as well as "I Don't Believe In You". I was listening to the "Spirit of Eden" album today as a tribute to Mark Hollis. I could listen to the less commercial songs of Talk Talk all day.
I love a good hug, both giving and receiving. It's an under appreciated joy in life.
I was always on the lean side. I didn't fill out until my 20's but have always trim. After I crossed fifty, I noticed I had to start watching what I ate so my pants wouldn't be tight.
Sixpence, a bag of cookies makes a nice dinner as well, lol!
Anne Marie, I will give you the hug first so that I don't smush your pie! Lol
Deedles, pizza for breakfast! What a great idea! Oh.. I see.. you're saying that's a no no.
Bob, I wouldn't want my boss hugging me lol.
I like a song with good lyrics as well, some people are so skilled at getting their point across with just the right words.
Old Lurker, I blogged about this before. This was my second lemon meringue but I have made other types.
Ok hug me but do it in your underwear so that I "feel the warmth". If I don't stop this tummy from forming, they are going to try and push me back into the water if I lie on a beach. ;)
Oh you really did. How did I forget??? That does not seem like the thing I ought to have forgotten. You should still add this to your dating profile, though.
Deedles, I NEVER pay attention to OL, he's a snarky pants! What! What! WHAT!?! Frozen! FROZEN PIE! I come from a long line of pie makers (and eaters) it's against my heritage to use a frozen pie. Plus I don't actually think you can freeze a lemon pie, it could turn into lemon meringue soup when it thawed out. I do cheat and buy the pie crust already made but uncooked,the rest I do.
OL, you forgot cookies, lots of people want to get their hands on my cookies... and Canadian citizenship.
Your bikini won't hide the effects of too much strudel!
Deedles, between the three of you, I'm not sure what we are talking about now?
Will, when I first started dating my last boyfriend, all his gay friends kissed and many on the lips. I put a stop to that immediately, hahaha! Well I don't hug, does anyone think I'm going to let people kiss me on the lips, ewww.
Richard, yes I was listening to some of Talk Talk today.
I'm only starting to lose my super powers of eating what I want and staying skinny.
Old Lurker, I knew you would go search for it... so I didn't bother lol. I was wondering how you could have forgotten that as well, looks like you are starting to slip up in your old age. ;p
Don't remind me. It is very anxiety provoking.
But the main lesson from this entry is that there are people who are not Laurent who kiss Willym on the lips, so maybe there is hope for the rest of us yet.
I am not even sure anymore what were talking about, but now for that hug with some warmth…...
I am talking about how I totally messed up my last comment. Let's rephrase: The main lesson is that there are people who are not Laurent who get to kiss Willym on the lips, so maybe there is hope that the rest of us will get to kiss him too. (As opposed to a very negative interpretation of my previous wording, which falsely implied that Willym was not very kissable.)
Oh dear. I didn't just write that out loud? There is no way to dig myself out of this hole.
Old Lurker, don't feel anxious, you are still smart as a whip. Which is actually a very odd phrase when you think about it. :\
Old Lurker, are you trying to say that nobody other than Laurent would kiss Will? :(
That's a really mean thing to say, I let you get away with your snarky-ness but you better watch what you say on this blog!
Maddie, ok but just ignore that clicking sound, there is no hidden camera here, nope not a single one. ;)
Old Lurker, feeling anxious again? See what I did there? I read this comment first and then went back and answered the other comment as if I hadn't read this one. Tehehe, I'm rotten eh? I just wanted to give you a rise. Just breath... you are fine, we know you are snarky and grumbly but you're not that mean. That was fun, lol. XD
AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Thank you for listening.
Aaaahh! What? What? What is it? Is it a bear? Is it a snake? Is it nude pics of the president with Stormy? Just relax Deedles, you are ok, we love you and you are ok, think calm happy thoughts, you are lying on a nice beach somewhere... with your favorite drink at hand... you notice that actor you think is hot, walking out of the ocean, his body glistening from the warm waters... and you think to yourself, how long will it be until he realizes the surf pulled his swimsuit off without him knowing. ;)
Thank you Steven. You always know just the right thing to say. Chris Hemsworth just showed up at that beach. He's approaching Jason Momoa with a sexy little glint in his eye. I set up my beach proof camera and start filming, because I'm a good girl I am! Lookee but no touchee, even in a fantasy. Balder Half has my heart, and other less romantic parts. If they strip and start doing other pant inducing stuff, I'm sending the film to you and maybe Maddie. I love you too.
Deedles, why yes, I'm practically perfect in every way... just like Mary Poppins! :)
Looks like I joined the party just in time. When do the hugs happen? Before or after the pie? And we have to strip to undies first? Or is that part of the "after pie one hug leads to another" entertainment?
Oh and pics or it didn't happen.
1st Man, strip to your undies or wearing them is optional! ;)
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