The weather here has been beautiful these last few days. Dave and I have been trying to get some last minute hiking in to see the final farewell of colour before the grey days of November come. Once again I want to take you with us and see where the paths lead.
Many of the paths in a nearby park are walk ways so that everyone can get out and enjoy nature. This is a real nature park, not a city park.

This time the paths opened up new breath taking views that I was not aware of, even living so close.

Views like this one, I grew up in hilly country but I was not aware of this look out. I was amazed. A lot of my photos did not turn out because of the clouds playing tricks with the lighting.

Sun and clouds battle it out for control of the sky, you can see the shadows and sunlight chasing each other across the valley below.

Some guy sitting on the stone wall of the look out. Okay its me again, there everyone happy now? There was a reason why I made the last shots so far away. Looking over the valley I can see why my Irish ancestors settled here.

Some cute guy sitting with a sexy pose on a rock, yup its Dave. With my honey-bun however I don't even let him read this blog so it would not be fair to put a clear pic of him on here.

This tree was interesting it started out as a sapling growing in the crack of the rocks.
Totally surrounded by rock it sent out roots across the rock above and below until it hit earth, now it is anchored to the stone but the roots do not enter the ground for about five feet (1.5 meters) from the tree. Made me think of tree tentacles as if it would grab a person walking by.

Cool water, I love the smell that comes off of a clean lake. Since this is park land there are no cottages to spoil the view. It makes me think of jumping in however the day was not that warm. There is an interesting fact about this lake. When the sea receded after the last ice age this lake stayed salty for thousands of years, giving the salt water fish time to adapt to fresh water. Thus they say there is a type of fish that is a salt water fish everywhere else in the world, but here it exists as a fresh water fish.

A hidden cave in the forest floor, don't fall in! There is a fence around it and I think just as well, you would almost stumble into it before you saw it. It drops down suddenly and quite far. They say two brothers used to mine down there for minerals back in the day.

There were many other interesting things we saw that day, these were just a few. We were being called back as the day was ending and we had plans later. Another walk way only this one would guide us home.

A final view before we left, we could look out towards the city where I had to return, one last shot and I thought it was fitting as the conflict within us of loving nature but having to return to the city, was being played out on the valley floor below as the city is trying to spread out into the country.
Everyone have a good weekend and try to get out before the colours are all gone. In fact I see a lot of blog writers doing the same type of post, maybe that could become a meme theme, if you want to take part get out, snaps some photos and post them. Just my way of encouraging you to get out. :)
Very nice Steven with a masculine V. All of it. ;p)
I enjoyed this pictures thanks! I love the fall colors....
An afternoon spent with someone you love, priceless, I hope you two have many, many more. Thanks for sharing it with us.........
Just gorgeous. And the nature pictures aren't bad either. It's always a pleasure to read of love going well. You two are a real delight.
Great shots! And a great shot of you. But, , , , wait,,,, you look so, ; ' / . , .>> normal!
I thought, well, you know, I mean, being gay. . . .
Oh, forget it.
lovely pictures. Here in New Hampshire we have several more weeks to go before hiking will e a cold te3mperature activity. Foliage color is at absolute peak. Hiking is one of our favorite activities, particularly in Pawtuckaway State Park. You can climb a fire watchtower on the top of a hill and have a commanding view of four states and miles and miles of autumn color.
So good to hear hat things are going well with Dave.
Amazing pictures!
I do love these Walking In Nature posts...especially when you have someone to walk with!
Hey, what's better than a boardwalk like this through the woods...I just love those! Nice picture, Dave...and yes, the countryside behind you is something special, too! All that wonderful green.
Still in the closet about being a blogger, eh? Heh heh...
You have great parks over there!
And yes, nice to see better picture of you, for the first time!
Don, thank you, next week I will post in a dress...neverrrrrrrr! ;)
Tobey, I love the colours too, I just don't like when they fall off and everything is dull grey, bleh!
Stephen, true it is so much better to share it with someone, I often missed that when stuck in the closet, I noticed everyone else seemed to have someone.
Birdie, awe (blushing blushing bright red) thank you for the kind words.
Joe, dress shot next week, with high heels... again neverrrr! ;P
Will, our colours are almost all gone now in just the last few days. Heavy frost, strong winds and rain took their toll.
K, thanks buddy. Miss your funny posts, you have become a slacker in the blog department! XD
Greg, thanks and as I said, yes you are right it is better to have someone to share it with. Actually Dave knows about the blog just he is not allowed to read it and he is very respectful about things that way. Often if I take his picture, he says "you better not put that on your blog"!
Steve! You slipped in when I was answering the others. Now that I have Dave I will try to take advantage of more parks. Glad the picture did not scare you!
beautifull pictures...It reminds of Norway :D
Ravn, thank you I enjoyed taking them. Nice to see a newbie in my comment area, I was also checking out your blog.
I loved those pics. They were pretty sweet. Not to mention u got to share is with someone that u love and loves you.
Life still hlds hope for me too i suppose. lol.
Jasssoonnn, another new kid to my block! Thank you and yes it is more fun with the honey bunny. I will check out your blog as well. I think life holds a lot of hope for you since on the 'cute-ness' scale of 1 to 10, you are a 795.49, haha! XD
Great vistas! And good to see you in pics again!
Speaking of sexy guys...thanks Wayne! ;)
Beautiful images that you have captured Steven. I love those look out shots. Thank you for sharing!
Hey Steven, thanks for looking! :)
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