Sunday, December 3, 2017

Light, Lights, SHINE!

Banishing the darkness, there could be many interpretations to that phrase, darkness in your life, in your head or in general. Today however it is simpler, darkness as in darkness, as in it's dark by 4:30 around here these days, especially on a cloudy day, it can feel like a never ending night. I think I will put up the Christmas lights today, a little brightness, a little cheer to help keep the gloomy crazies away. The old folks were a lot more clever than we gave them credit for, science is now saying they may have realized the importance of light vs mental health problems. Really Einstein, do you think? It's no coincidence that almost every culture has a holy day or festival of lights during the darkest days of the year. ............................................. Today is unusually warm, easier to move my fingers than ten below freezing, so it's a go for me. Need to trim the Christmas bush down so I don't have too much work, I just want some light and not to send runway signals to jets overhead. Everybody sing, oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, hum hum hum dum do dee, sorry I don't remember any other words after "oh Christmas tree".


Mistress Maddie said...

I agree. It is usually dark here too by 5pm. But it's still pretty unseasonably warm here. As for Christmas, I'll be doing my decorating next weekend with a post coming....if I get the lights done. No matter how neat I put the damn things away, they still come out a tangled mess.

Ur-spo said...

I remember being serenaded by a troop (den?) of cub scouts singing "Oh Christmas tree" which was the only word they sang throughout the song. Oh the pain.

Vivian said...

The "gloomy crazies" is my new favorite disease.

If it's ten below where you are, I suggest putting a bottle of champagne out side in the backyard and waiting for about three hours. There is nothing better than a Winter chilled bottle of bubbly to banish the blues.

Anonymous said...

Living in the mid-Atlantic, it doesn't get dark so early, but I remember my days growing up in upstate NY where it would be dark much earlier. There is something to be said for a little sunshine. Good luck with your holiday decorating!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Mistress Steven, totally not your fault, it's the Christmas gremlins that tangle the lights, they also eat all the wrapping paper from the year before, to trick you into thinking you have enough and not buy new rolls, leaving you scrambling at the last minute.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Dr Spo, lol I feel your pain. Our church choir has the average age of 92, they don't sing all year and only practice an hour before Christmas mass. Imagine if you will a flock of geese getting into a fight with a herd of cats and you pretty much get my meaning, fa la la la, le la la la!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Vivian, I never thought of that, usually I think of hot chocolate when I'm out on a cold day. I like your thinking better!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Michael54, yes a little sunshine this time of year around here is like getting a present. I spent the day trimming the bushes, they were getting out of control. It started pouring rain and continued until today so I actually didn't get the lights on. Then it turned unusually warm, melted all the snow and now feels like spring instead of Christmas, so I am waiting.