Many of you are about to be busy so let me wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Now I have to get caught up on all the last minute things I kept putting off, procrastination is not a good character quality to have... lol.
Lived most of my life hidden in the closet and suddenly realized, it's just not working! I started the process of coming out (way back in 2006) and wanted to write about it, hoping to meet people. My blog has shifted a bit now, sometimes gay issues, sometimes every day issues.
So glad to have found a fellow Steven this year!!!!!! I look forward to getting to now more of you and that humor that we are starting to see..
Happy Christmas
JP x
A very happy christmas to you!
Steven, you look great with Christmas lights on but where could I hang the ornaments?
JP, Happy Christmas to you and Guido as well. Although I guess Christmas is over for you now. All the best for the both of you in the new year!
Dr Spo, I bet you were on the naughty list, but in gay-world.... that's a good thing! ;)
Not naughty enough. I plan on improving that in 2018.
I'm sure we can locate a low hanging branch to hang a few!!!!! LOL!
Hope your Christmas day was a good and relaxing one.
Be happy this New Year, and gather lots of naughty AND nice in 2018.
Thank you Vivian, best wishes for you in the new year as well!
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