Monday, October 30, 2017

Scariest Movie "Never"!

I watched a scary movie last night, it was frightening....... by how utterly ridiculous the ending was. I started watching Paranormal Activity 3, it seemed a perfect Halloween fit for me. A late Saturday night and I am sitting all alone in a big old house that creaks, cracks and has doors that shut by themselves. I figured what better way to feel young again than to scare myself and watch a movie about a big house that creaks, cracks and has slamming doors. It started out good, leaving the haunting to your own mind which is the best way to get scared. Then things got really stupid towards the end, I don't know if that's jumping the shark, but who ever wrote that pathetic ending should have been thrown to the sharks. At the end of the movie instead of feeling scared, I felt ticked off for having wasted my time! ...........................................Speaking of Halloween, I happen to be listening to the radio in my car, they were discussing costumes. The politically correct police are at it again, trying to suck out every drop of fun in something. They were saying to be sure not to offend anyone with what you dress up as. For instance, schools are banning costumes regarding native people, you are not allowed to dress up as a so called Indian person, or any other type of indigenous peoples. It's considered cultural appropriation, I could see how it would be offensive and wouldn't let my imaginary children dress that way. Some schools are also banning any type of costume that could offend the LGBTQ community, like a leather man or drag queen type costume. I just don't see little kids dressing as a drag queen or leather man but maybe I am behind the times. Many schools and work places are banning cowboy costumes because of the way cowboys were shown in movies as killing native people. There are also places banning police costumes because it makes certain people uncomfortable, same as no soldier costumes because no one wants to glorify war. Listening to this it struck me, no cowboy, no Indian, no leather man, no police man and no soldier, oh for Pete's sake, they just banned the Village People!


John Going Gently said...

More drag queens in school!

Mistress Maddie said...

Society needs to lighten up and get a sense of humor for Pete's sake. I have been watching scary movies all month so far.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

John, I can remember some of the older teachers wearing too much makeup, cheap jewelry and bad hair dye jobs. Is that close enough???

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Mistress Steven (lol), exactly and isn't Halloween about dressing up and make believe anyway? Any movies that you would recommend? I like to be scared but not blood and guts movies, that just makes me feel gross, not scared.

Old Lurker said...

... and yet, YMCA is some kind of straight dance anthem.

You should dress up as a leatherman for work tomorrow. Add a feather boa as an accessory.

Old Lurker said...

You forgot the construction worker, though. Is it still okay to dress up as a construction worker?

Sooo-this-is-me said...

OL, even worse it's a straight wedding reception song lol. It's ok if "we" do it but I never dress up for Halloween.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

OL, part two lol, I didn't forget him, they didn't mention about a construction worker, I guess it's ok as long as you have female construction workers also, plus have a little pretend union card.

Mistress Maddie said...

I like all the scary movies!!!! Just last night on Syfy was one called Trick Or Treat. That was a good one, and I also finally so the Exorcists. That and Rosemary's Baby are classic.

But my all time favorite is probably Bram Stoker's Dracula, with Gary Oldham, And Keanu Reeves. A cinematic masterpiece in my opinion.

Ur-spo said...

Societies have been trying to tame Halloween ever since the Early Christian church. We won't let them.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Dracula, I love the Anne Lennox song from that movie, Love song for a vampire, I think it's called, Google the video, she makes a natural vampire lol. Good choices Steven. I also like Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp. There are too many to choose from lol.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Hey Michael! Lol you just came through as I was answering Steven. Yes let's keep Halloween fun!

Vivian said...

Halloween is fun, but as the name implies, it's only the evening before the really scary (hallowed) day, Nov. 1. That's when all the restless or adventurous dead souls are allowed to pass through the boundary between their world and ours on the one day of the year when that boundary is permeable. So be on the look-out for something strange to happen in broad daylight.

How come Beyonce is allowed to have blonde hair, but if a white girl has dreds it's cultural appropriation?

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Or it's all Saints day and I become Saint Stephen, a little tainted however lol.

Vivian that is one of those hypocrisies you are not supposed to point out! I even heard one group saying that little "white" kids should not be dressing up as any person of colour, real or fictional. However children of "any" colour can dress up as any character they want.