Sunday, December 13, 2015


Sometimes I can be quite judgemental, a flaw for sure, I get it from good old mom. It's wrong but I can make snap judgments on people. I do like to be proven wrong however, I'm not so full of myself that I put blinders on to keep up the charade, I like to be surprised by people. I do find I am usually correct, I think it's just from experience and I am a grounded, down to earth type. I try not to see the world through a clouded view. Although I also understand that we all see the world through our own clouded view. ............................................... This week I let something slid, a new friendship that I had started. I had been emailing back and forth with a gay man who was looking for friends. He seemed nice enough at first but the thing that gave me pause was the constant drama he seemed to have gotten himself into. He works in a career where he will be guiding people, helping people, and mentoring people. I would think a person should have their own act together before they expect to tell others what to do. ............................................ Instead I received emails about not speaking with family, breaking off from friends, horrible relationships, aches, pains, depression and on and on. I found this not very professional, like someone becoming a vet but doesn't like animals. Alarm bells began ringing, do people think every email is a therapy session, isn't it a little classless to start revealing every pimple and wart to a stranger? Soon I lost interest in meeting, maybe he is just lonely, maybe he is lonely for a reason. ..................................... I can get negative and down about a lot of issues but I try to fight that, I often make an effort to stay away from negative people. Everyone has drama in their life, friends are supposed to be an outlet from drama not heap more on. Maybe he needed that outlet, maybe he just needed someone to listen. Judgemental little me, I ended the friendship before I ever gave it a chance, so now I will never know.


Ur-spo said...

It's a dilemma; true friendship means vulnerability and opening up - but this is in context of good friendships, not budding ones.
If your alarm bells say this newbie is already too negative then you did right to not get to into it.
Friendships are tender supportive and mutual - not draining.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Exactly, not draining, I have let people drift away in the past because I felt exhausted after spending time with them and not in a fun exhausted way.

David said...

Budding relationships or established ones, you have to consider your own well-being too. I've had to let go of some friends in my life because they were self-destructive and harmful to the people around them. I would trust my gut instincts more often than not.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Hey David! I find as I get older I'm less tolerant and yes my own well being is important. Either that or I am turning into a grumpy old man, lol.

Anonymous said...

Alarm bells? Trust that judgement of yours.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Jean-Paul, I'm feeling better about it, another weird thing was he had absolute zero sense of humour, I kept having to explain myself if I made a joke, kind of annoying for a smart arse like me! :D

johnmichael said...

I agree..don't be so judgemental.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

You agree or don't agree? Everyone is saying it's ok to be a little judgmental, like usual you didn't really pay attention! Now re-read my post and put some effort into your comment! Lol, I should probably let people know at this point that John is my wittle buddy so don't think I am actually that harsh in life. XD