Sunday, September 23, 2007

Woohoo, Fame!

Oh the pressure! There I was, writing in my little blog, happy with my two or three readers a day when suddenly I received more comments and emails yesterday than I usually get in a week. Matt this is all your fault! That would of course be Matt over at Matterdays, sorry I have not played with the links yet but you guys all know and love him. Seriously, the only new people I get usually stumbled on here while searching for porn, "naked web cam girls" I still can't understand how Google brought that search to a blog about a gay guy coming out, man that guy must have been disappointed or really confused. Now I know how Chris Crocker must have felt with his sudden new found fame, only difference being that I cry like that every time Britney Spears does release a new cd.

Actually I have been a lurker for some time now, so I have read most of the blogs of people who are showing up here. I really appreciate the encouraging comments being left and want to give out a general thank you, as you have unknowingly help me get to this place where I am starting to feel comfortable with myself and accepting the fact that I'm gay. Sunday, the day of rest so it is back to my coffee and relaxing.


Matt said...

I always like to cause trouble. :)

Enjoy your Sunday.

Pete said...

Saw your email. Will try to respond ASAP.

john said...

Enjoy your Sunday.
And of course the fame!! It's always fun to have fans.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment.

Hope you're doing well and that you had an awesome weekend.

take it easy! :)

Steven said...

Guilty as charged! Coming your way through Matt's recommendation. Looking forward to your future posts!