Sunday, March 1, 2015

And Then There Is This.

I have to be honest and say that I am pretty lucky to be a gay man in the area I live in. Though I am out in the country, most people are open to having gay friends. Lol, we can even be seen as a commodity for the cool factor with some people. Being bigoted towards gay people will make you look narrow and ignorant to many. ...........................................And then there is this. I was listening to the radio on my way to work. The topic was the new sex education classes being introduced to the schools. Because the leader of our province is an openly gay woman, the ignorance and hate just came pouring out of my radio. It didn't upset me like it would have at one time, it only made me angry and frustrated. ................................................ One man called in to inform the listeners that "homosexualitys" want to teach children to have gay sex so that they will become homosexualitys as well! Wait, what, did you just call me a homosexuality? The usual garbage was thrown out also. Apparently we have a secret agenda, gay conversion. It never ceases to amaze me, that they continue with the thinking, gay children are converted straight kids. Maybe the poor kids were forced to listened to Ricky Martin songs, watch Ellen or something along those lines. ................................................It's not about the sex people, odd how it seems they are obsessed with every type of gay sex act they hear about. I wish they would understand, a person is gay, even though they may never have sex in their entire life. There are many many gay couples who don't have sex or have very little sex and they want it that way. It's only about who we are attracted to, who we love and not who we sleep with. Most gay people were raised by straight parents, so that blows the theory we have the same sexuality as our parents. ...........................................It is almost comical listening to people calling in, acting like they are an expert because they knew a guy who had a mechanic with a gay cousin twice removed, this clearly gives them all the knowledge they need to comment. I can tell they still see us as damaged straight people who just need some type of fixing, I can tell they still see us as a "homosexual" and not as Mike,Tom or Megan, good people who just happen to be gay. Many older gay people tell me they no longer take part in arguments, they say leave those ignorant people behind and move on with living, that they don't have time nor feel they need to justify their life. I agree, time to move on with our secret gay agenda of making dinner, taking out the garbage, sitting down to our favorite t.v. show, gay laundry and when time allows, getting a break to go out with friends.


john said...

I agree. I no longer comment any more. What is the use. People will believe what they want to believe. Irregardless of what you tell them about homosexualitys.

Rhia Hawk said...

Preach it!

Java said...

"Homosexualitys" ???
I live in South Carolina, USA, in a small city an hour away from any larger city. There are a lot of ignorant people around here, and they call into talk radio shows or write letters to the editor of the newspaper. I tend to think this is South Carolina's fault. We're known for being bigoted and ignorant. It's actually almost comforting to know that even in Canada you guys have idiots like that. Sort of.