Saturday, March 21, 2015

End of an Era.

Back in the day, long long ago, when we stood around and sadly watched the last of the dinosaurs dying, I remember thinking things are about to really change. ...........................................Okay so I am not that old but some days I feel like it. Yesterday I witnessed the coming end to an era. I stopped in to take part in a closing out sale of a CD store. See kids before downloading you had to buy these things called... err never mind. It is basically the only place that I know of that still sells CDs and DVDs in this city. See kids a DVD was... err forget it. ....................................... I think back to when I was in my late teens and early twenties. To me these stores were the ultimate destination. They were everywhere, even the smallest malls had at least two or three. Walking in to all the posters, rows and rows of different types of artists and the samples section to let a person try out different types of music. ............................................ Years later I remember the shock I felt one Christmas when I wanted to get a CD for my sister, I walked into one of the larger malls, only to discover all the stores had gone. I knew it was the end of me being hip, well not that I ever really was but we all have our delusions so work with me. .......................................... I also received a little shock going through the CDs yesterday, I have to admit, I didn't know eighty percent of the artists. When did I stop following music. I also had this sad feeling that there could be some really good music, but I don't have the time to discover it before the store is gone. Sad to see these types of stores go, plus there is nothing going to replace these businesses. The CD store was just the evolution of the old record store, see kids records were...... forget it. No one back then would think this day would come. I did worry when all the video stores folded. Now I'm hearing t.v. will soon change as well, I can see that for many reasons. ........................................... I did pick up a couple of CDs for five bucks total. To think this will probably be the last time I will be able to do that, walk in, browse, make that cool find, pay at the cash and walk out. I even wonder about malls in general, the smaller ones mostly, will they even be around in ten years. I saw how empty they were in the days leading up to Christmas and on boxing day, one employee said to me that online shopping was ruining their business. I guess the problem is that I feel part of me is being closed down as well, or at least memories of a younger me.


Java said...

I want to know how to give music as a gift if I can't buy a CD. Especially hard-to-buy-for teenagers used to appreciate the newest album (do they still use the term album?) from their favorite artist. Recently I've been giving Amazon gift cards. I still buy my music on CDs, but I buy them from Amazon. And most CD purchases include a digital download. I don't have an MP3 player (or whatever number MP is up to now) so unless I am listening on my laptop (which has crappy sound) I don't use the digital format. I play CDs on a "boom box" player that's probably over 10 years old. Yeah, I feel old.

Wayne said...

Goodness, I can't remember when I last bought a CD.
If and when I do listen to music, it's the radio, and I don't often do that as we have music playing all day long in the Salon.