Monday, June 15, 2009

Gifts of moments

Last night I had a sudden thought and it gave me great sadness. I was saying to Dave how I was going to pick up a Fathers day card today and suddenly the thought occurred that this will be the last time I ever buy a card for Dad. I will have to say that a month ago my Dad was so weak that we honestly did not think he would even make it to fathers day, so I have to take that gift for what it is. We have learned that now, we take every small moment, every funny moment and hold them close in our hearts, every good moment is a gift now and they are what keeps us going.


r. said...

Hi Steven.

I love you.

john said...

Hey buddy, thinking about you!!

Matt said...

Steven, I think this is the worst part ... I'm glad you're seeing every day as a gift, that's important. I've been thinking of you, and hope that everything is as well as can be. Hug.

Wayne said...

Glad you were able to stop a moment to post. We're thinking of you. ((hugs))

catrina said...

I lost my Mom a month ago; a week after Mother's Day. I knew she was sick, so spent many hours with her on her special day. I can still remember every word we said, and it brings me comfort. Just keep considering what time you have with your dad as a gift. And savor every minute.

Steven said...

Glad to see that you have found the positive light in the most unfortunate of circumstances. Prayers and strength for you.

Birdie said...

To have those moments and recognize them for what they are is truly a gift. When someone is taken from you without warning, we don't have precious time together to say what needs to be said. With you in your sadness and joy.


Vic Mansfield said...

Gratitude and sadness are a tough combination. Yet they are important to hold together. You all are in prayers.

daveincleveland said...

hugging your from cleveland...very important to remember that even the littlest of things now are a true gift and to be cherished forever...spend as much time as you can with him...let him know just how important he is and how much you love him...hang in there sweetie you will get through this and will always hold these memories close to your heart
lots of hugs from cleveland

Jess said...

As painful as this is, there's something to be said for having the time and perspective to say what you want to say. Cherish the time left--I hope Fathers' Day is wonderful. Whether he rallies or things go as expected, when we outlive our loved ones, the good memories and loving words we spoke to them are very important and give us something to hold on to.

And remember to take care of yourself. Be well!

Greg said...

Carrying you around in my heart these days. Hugs.