Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Annoyed gay guy

The other day I over heard a man I know making a comment towards gays, it was along the lines of "what can you expect from him, he's a queer". There is nothing to snap a person back to the battle grounds with a comment like that. Sometimes we have to hold our tongues to keep the peace for others. I was thinking, what does being gay have to do with a person's character, you are either a good person or you are not, does not matter what your sexuality is. I hate when the person thinks they are on some moral high ground. Thinking that they could never have a gay child, "I'd never raise my child gay, I raised them properly". I felt like pointing out that two of his kids got divorced and that is suppose to be a 'no no' according to most religions. In fact one of his kids ended two marriages and the other is suppose to have had an affair. People are people, I know gay and lesbian couples who have been together for years. I guess he must have been a bad parent if we want to pass judgement.

I don't mean to target people who got divorced or split, that is not my business, if it is not working then the choice is only between the two people. What annoys me is if a person is a bad apple, it is because they are just a bad apple, not because they are gay. I get so tired when I am painted with the same brush of every gay person that they meet. Even worse is the people who always look for the bad in the people they want to hate, the type of person that could know ten really good gay people and then meet up with one bad one who screws them over, then the comment is made "see what did I tell you, can't trust any of them".

Not much we can do about it really, there are always those people who work at believing in something that has been shown to be wrong to them, just some days I have had my fill.


john said...

You are right, there are good seeds and there are bad seeds.

Those comments are said at moments when my cousin Dennis has to put his hand on my shoulder and tell me to sit. I think he's about 50 for 50(in making me hold my tongue)since I've come out to him.

Wayne said...

There are a lot of narrow minded people out there Steven.

The Vice Buddha said...

Dude.. there are two ways out of this.. t easy one and the hard one!!

You can either just choose to ignore and smile inside you at the naivety ...

or you could stand up.. kick him in the balls.. and tell them that gays are no less a man that him.. or for that matter, his grandad!

Java said...

I had a conversation with a mean-spirited neighbor boy on this subject. He was was spewing homophobic epithets at one of my gay boarders, and I took him aside and said "You don't have to like S, but you mustn't dislike him for being gay. You can dislike him because you think he's an annoying selfish bastard, which he might be. But being gay is not a reason to dislike him." (that's a paraphrase, the general idea of my conversation)

Did it make a difference? I don't know, but it made me feel better. It was the right thing to do, you know?

Vic Mansfield said...

It's about scapegoating. We are big targets now.

Will said...

Yes, I think BMO has it right. We're the last minority standing that it's acceptable--even admirable in some people's view--to hate. That's why it's so desperately important in the US that gays are recognized as being an integral part of the military and have full rights in general.

Of course, even then some minds--if minds they are--will never accept us. They have this book of fairy tales and 3000 year old customs and superstitions that they cling to. It tells them what's what and they won't give it up under any circumstances.

Greg said...

Sad that people will construct the things they need to believe like that. Sometimes, Java's approach makes a difference, but others can't be swayed.