Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Into Feet

I'm into feet... that would be 'Six Feet Under' so don't worry I will not be writing a kinky post here, even though some of you probably wish I would! I had heard of Six Feet Under but I was not sure if it was a movie or TV show, different people told me that I would like it. Dave told me he was a fan and I knew my sister was also a fan. Over the last few years we have been giving her the complete seasons as gifts. Dave and I borrowed the box-sets from her and started watching it the last couple of weeks, I really like it. I'm not sure if any of you have heard about it but the show is basically a family that runs a funeral home, with interesting views on life, death and also very dark humour. Along with the raw sex scenes and swearing, there is also a beauty to the interaction between the characters, many lines from the show give me that catch moment like a well written poem.

I am nearing the end of season one and the last show I watched touched me, it was about David, one of the brothers who is trying to accept the fact that he is gay. He is confronted by angry anti-gay protesters at the funeral of a gay teen that was killed by bashers. He tells his friend that he feel like he belongs with the protesters and not with the gay people, that he wants to be the family man he sees in his church with a child on his knee. He prays to God that he is lonely and empty and begs for his help. It was like a scene from my recent past and I could not help feel sorry for the character.

I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I saw this years ago, would it have kick started something in me or would I sit there in denial. I felt good inside watching the show because now I don't feel that way anymore. To me it is so natural to be cuddled up on the couch with Dave, now I have the feeling of belonging, that this life makes sense, it is where I am suppose to be. I hope that all the 'Davids' out there can make it through, it certainly is a hard process to get your head around straight (no pun intended).

I don't watch a lot of TV but I like this show (so far) I can see why it never made it to main stream channels, most people would not 'get it' or would be offended by it. Still it amazes me how this was a hidden jewel while shows like Clue-less, Full House and Doc with Billy Ray Cyrus tortured us for years by just being on the tube.


Doug said...

We watched it when it was on HBO and liked it. I don't think we saw the last seasons.

Good entertainment mimics life, and it sounds like SFU did a good job evoking your sympathies. I felt the same way when I watched it.

don said...

The character David evolves into a much healthier person (mentally anyway). I won't tell you anymore because I don't want to spoil it. Ironically the actor that plays David in SFU now plays a serial killer with a conscience in another TV show called Dexter. He is fascinating to watch.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Doug: I hear the final show is suppose to really move fans, I did see a clip of it once so I have an idea of what happens in the final one.

Don: I like the show Dexter, although here in Canada some guy who was a fan started to do the same thing so you never know how a show will affect people.

Anonymous said...

I never caught it either but recall buying one of the series CD's for my ex before we broke up. I've stayed away from renting it out because of that above-referenced experience. But your review intrigues me.

john said...

I've watched some of the episodes and I have enjoyed them.

It's still a struggle for me...sometimes I have those rare, very rare fleeting moments thinking to myself "is this all worth it"...and then one of my friends will call, or I'll read someone's blog entry, and I'm reminded that it will all be worth it.

Creative Thinker said...

Love this show!!! LOVE IT! Hated Doc... but BRC was nice to look at and fantasize about...

Anonymous said...

I loved that show. I was so sad when it was over but I can still catch most of the actors on other shows now. Dirty Sexy Money is great and Nate is really the same guy except he doesn't get high as often. I have not seen the last episode of 6ft. I almost don't want to see it.

Anonymous said...

I need to get these dvd's Paul talks about this being a really good show also.

Scott in Iowa said...

You are going to get soooo hooked! SFU is one of the best made-for-television series ever.
Just wait till the very last episode. I dare you to watch it without crying your eyes out.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Steven: don't let bad memories keep you from enjoying something, give it a try and see if it is the type of show you may like.

John: I agree, I will still have those moments for a few seconds, but then I think of my life now and my pretend life before and it becomes clear where I should be.

CT: Really Billy R.C? Well I guess if he would only get a haircut! ;) I'm really liking the show as well.

Jen: I'll tell you when I get to the end if I think you should give it a peek. Also Sarah on Brothers and Sisters was on SFU.

Tobey: I suggest you do give it a try, I just finished the first season last night and I liked everyone so far.

Scott: You are right, I am already so hooked and different people have told me that I will cry watching the last show.

Wayne said...

6ft was a great series! Loved that show! I'm sure you will too.

Joe Jubinville said...

I don't have cable TV. :o\ I'm culturally deprived.

I've heard all kinds of good things about the series. Maybe our library has it...

larry said...

before mad men, six feet under was my fave. i even got out season 4 last night and watched a couple of episodes. glad you're watching. you will not be sorry...

Anonymous said...

I've heard plenty of good things about the series but haven't seen it yet.

You encourage me to look for the DVDs at the library...but first I have to wait and see if Santa brings me a DVD player this year!

Butch said...

Your last paragraph really hit home. There's so much garbage shows on that just rot one's brain. "Six Feet Under" had many little twists where one character would be followed and each member would be brought in at any moment when that original story line got to be too much for the viewer to handle. It never bogged down and I thought it was always very clever of them to have the first character fastly approaching the end of their life, then the accident, then the corpus being brought to the funeral home and the show would continue. Never a moment wasted. It's too bad that these shows burn brightly and then fizz out in a few years.

I'm presently addicted to the program called, Trueblood, a serial vampire show. All I can say is it's bazaar and I can't stop watching it. ;-)

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Wayne: I am loving it, we can't wait to get our snacks and cuddle up on the couch and turn on the DVD.

Joe: I don't have cable either, why pay for what I don't watch! You might like this show, give it a try or ask gay friends, I bet some may have it, or post more pictures of you looking sexy beside your new truck! ;)

Hello Larry, I think you stopped by before but I don't remember if I said welcome to my blog. We have started watching season two and I'm glad to see it follows the same lines as season one. I checked out your site and I needed a cold shower after seeing the hot pics! Haha! XD

Greg: you have been such a good boy this year I can't see why Santa would not bring you a DVD player, just don't sit on the perv's lap, I'm not falling for that trick...again, hey well after six or seven times you can't fool me any more!

Butch: I never heard of that show, I'll see if I can find clips on line. You are right about garbage shows. Some times when I do watch a show because I feel lazy, you can almost guess the whole plot and lines that will be said. I hate that, I should be surprised, also some shows just borrow story lines from older shows, leaving me sitting there thinking "I saw this on the Brady bunch when I was a little kid"!