I'm just wondering how everyone feels about this, as I get older I have this sense of losing time, I don't mean being distracted, I mean time is running out. I find myself being very envious of my family and friends that were fortunate to land government jobs. Since we are mostly around the same age, they are all either retired or retiring. It's not that I don't think they deserve being retired, I just wish I could be retired as well. I actually like working but I wish it was part time, I feel like I'm missing out on life and I can't get that time back. I've reached that point in life where I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as a train barreling down on me.
I'm not trying to sound depressed or anything like that because I'm definitely not, it's just some days I will think to myself, "it's a beautiful day out, I only have a certain number of those left and I'm stuck in here working at a desk". This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes almost a sense of urgency to it.
The other thing that gets to me is the way life can throw curve balls. Some of my older cousins and friends have done everything right, they took good care of their health, they had good jobs with benefits and pensions, they retired with no debts, they were about to start enjoying life.. but suddenly have been handed life altering illnesses, they will not be enjoying retirement. That is one thing I learned after how things turned out with my parents, you can never know how life will turn out.
It's a beautiful cool Saturday morning, I'm here at the farm. I am going out to enjoy my garden.