Thursday, February 13, 2025

What on Earth is happening?

 I started this blog nearly twenty years ago now, seems unbelievable to me that much time has passed. It was to help me gain courage to come out as a gay man. Society was starting to change, things were really looking up for mankind in general, sadly I never expected to write the following.

 I find myself wondering more and more each day with fear, if I'm watching the beginning of the collapse of the United States as we know it. Frightening thought but is this the end? Surly without the protection of a strong US, smaller Western nations will get swallowed up eventually.

 I feel at the rate things are going, it will be irreversible by the end of the year. It's like I'm stuck in a George Orwell novel, I'm watching it unfold around me, I know how things are going to end but there's nothing I can do and only a few others can see it as well. I don't understand how, very anti-American ideas, suddenly became patriotic ideas.

 It's also the first time as a Canadian, I feel threatened by the US instead of reassured by their presence. I feel we are on a fast track to becoming the Ukraine of North America, I feel that our country needs to quietly arm itself. I don't want to become Trumpland 2.0 or Musk North. 


"Tommy" said...

I believe we all Fear for what could be the outcome of both the USA and Canada. You are not alone in this Fear and Worry.

Anonymous said...

You are correct to fear for Canada. Multiple invasion attempts have happened and failed before. Living here among so many who knowingly voted for this felon is frightening. I don’t believe that the US will survive in any form but a fascist regime that will begin looking for its very own Sudetenland.

Michael said...

I wake up every morning with fear and dread. I cannot believe what is happening in my country and it sickens me to think that he won the election. I am heartsick and saddened. I love Canada and wish I could move there as I am no longer proud to say, "I am American."

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

It’s incredible unsettling.
What Elmo and Cheeto have done to America is unbelievable. What they plan to do to the world, unprecedented. Well, not unprecedented because we’re witnessed American expansionism before. But never this blatantly and never so out of control.
But all in all, I think Canada is in a much better position and I’m sure it’ll defend itself come the time…


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Tommy, it's really bizarre.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

That's not what you're supposed to say, you were supposed to comfort me by lying through your teeth. 😦

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sixpence, I really feel sorry for the people who saw through the lies and watched as their fellow voters went in the wrong direction 😔.

Anonymous said...

I can understand how you feel Michael, I can't believe that your country is now considered a potential enemy of the other western nations.