Monday, June 2, 2008

Huge Thoughts Of My Little Mind

Life, very interesting this thing called life. All around us is life, from bugs floating in the sky high beyond belief, to microbes deep within the earth. I love life, watching something grow is more wondrous to me than anything man can create. Spring is the perfect example, plants and trees waking up, turning green, flowers forming everywhere, animals with there young. It is so Disney perfect I can't help loving spring. It is part of the reason I have a green thumb, it is also part of the reason I had a small zoo of pets when I was young.

Life is sacred in many ways, animal, plant, human, it is hard to take a life of any kind for most people. I will not even dare talk about the loss of a human life at the hands of another, there should be more respect given to life than the daily TV showings of murder for entertainment. I do eat meat but I honestly believe to kill an animal changes a person inside, whether you admit it or not, a person would have to become removed from the task, in order to carry through with it. Even, think about how a lot of us find it a bit sad if a century old tree has to be cut down, a flower bed ripped up or a park being built upon, every life fits into a groove on this earth I believe and a gap is made when there is any loss. Except mosquitoes, they were put here to die die die!

Okay here comes my hippie moment, I must start off by saying I never use pot, however what if life is conscious in some way, maybe not in a way that we would understand like a person knowing they exist. What if life itself was more like a beehive or an anthill. One little bee can't do much, is not really aware of her existence and only has one specific job, however together an entire hive of bees live as a unit, able to choose where to build a nest, store food and defend itself against many dangers large and small. Same with the anthill, one ant only plays a small part, many ants live as a larger unit and do well. I was thinking about this one night while watching a program on life when the world began. Most people interested in this sort of thing know now evidence shows that life began to grow, diversify, evolve and just when things would start to get interesting, a huge rock would come hurtling out of the sky, crash into the earth and destroy almost every living thing on the planet. Life would struggle to rise out of the ashes, regain lost ground, get on to the business of living only to have the same thing happen over again, the slate would be wiped clean once more. Each time life made a comeback, the life forms would become more advanced. What if 'life' like a beehive under attack, could somehow detect the danger and act as a whole. What if life came up with a living being that could be aware of it's surroundings, see the danger, go on the offensive and send rockets through space to stop the next rock that would interfere with the greater plan. What if the greater plan is not to end all life as the doomsday people keep shouting, what if the greater plan is for life itself to again grow, diversify and this time spread out amongst the stars.

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