Monday, July 20, 2020

Unethically Unethical.

 I was listening to a program on the radio and the host was talking about ethics. He was saying how for certain job positions, companies or governments have to do an ethics test. The host was speaking about the first time he heard of such a test.

 Years ago as a university student, he asked his professor what would be the point of an ethics test because an unethical person would only give the answers that he felt his potential employers wanted to hear. The professor said that actually no, it doesn't work that way, the tests are actually good at weeding people out. He said that " unethical people, don't realize that they are unethical" and this causes them to trip up every time.

 That really helped me understand something about someone lately, unethical people don't realize that they are unethical. It explains why someone could do such awful things to people they are supposed to care about and be looking out for. I don't mean it gives someone an excuse or that they deserve forgiveness for something they don't see as wrong. I mean it gives me understanding enough to say to myself, "that person is damaged, there is no point in waiting for them to do the right thing"... because unless they are forced to, they never will and even then, the gesture is hollow.


  1. Emotional intelligence especially in men ( in my experience) is rare
    It is this that provides oneself with insight
    Without it many arseholes rewrite their own histories
    I hope this makes sense

    1. John that made perfect sense, especially "arseholes rewrite their own histories".

  2. John is right. Emotional intelligence is really not many a man's forte. Neither is self-reflection or empathy. All of those skills are needed to be ethical and to raise self-awareness in people.
    He-who-must-not-be-named was probably very unaware of his shortcomings and not tuned-in to others, hence his lack of... humanity? You dodged a bullet, Steven.


    1. Sixpence, "dodged a bullet" oh wow you have no idea what is coming soon buddy, I've been sitting on a post. I can't write it... but it's coming soon.

  3. I can tell you from experience, those test questions are tricky as I had to take one before International Paper would hire me... like: A large woman wearing a blue print dress slips and falls down in front of you, what is your response: A) Compliment her on her high heeled shoes; B) Ask her what size dress she wears; C) Laugh as you walk by; D) Do nothing.

    Which answer would you chose?

    1. Dave, if I have to choose, I'm going with do nothing. At least I don't draw attention to her and embarrass her.

  4. When people show their true selves, take 'em at their word.

  5. Debra, I never really thought about it that way.

  6. Bob, yes I like that saying because it's so true, I just wish I listened better.

  7. It’s amazing how many people this could apply to. Too often we give people a pass because we think they are ignorant. But this shows that many times they just don’t give a damn. Me first, then me again.

  8. HuntleyBiGuy, yes and I'm really getting tired of giving people a pass.

  9. There are a lot of damaged people. Sadly, we usually don't realize how damaged they are until they do us wrong.

    1. Richard, most times we can see it coming, when it's been planned out all along that's something completely different.

  10. As RJ said, there are a lot of damaged people out there. The damage starts young. I see it in my job as a teacher. Sometimes the damage can be undone, but often times not. Humans are their own worst enemy.

  11. Michael, some people just don't see it in themselves. They hate other people who do the same but somehow justify it in themselves.

  12. @David R, these questions are so unfair! Given the choice, I would probably snicker under my breath and then help her up.

  13. Deedles, noooo cheating, you have to pick one of the four! :D

  14. Steven, cheating is the only ethical thing I can do! I have to change the scenario, darling. I'd pick her up, dust her off, compliment her dress and take her for coffee. These questions go totally against my conscience.

  15. Deedles, I would kick her while she is down and then run off with her purse... and maybe the high heels too, depends how nice they are.

  16. My, my we certainly are feeling our oats today, aren't we?

  17. Well I do have oatmeal for breakfast every day. :D
