Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A day's work.

 I just finished my first day back at work, it started off slow, no one was ready for me. That's very usual for this company unfortunately and I was frustrated within the first hour.

 However things started to fall in place and I'm off to the races. It will do me a world of good to get back into some type of routine. It also helps change a person's thoughts. There is only a skeleton crew right now, anyone who can work from home is working from home. I'm heading home, I'm starving.


  1. I'm not going to use the "h" word. As long as you're satisfied, that's okay with me. I'm important you know. Now eat something! I've been on another dehydration diet (not on purpose) and couldn't tolerate even the smell of food! Today I've eaten for the first time in four days. Take care of yourself, honeybun.

  2. "I'm starving" is a good sign too!

  3. Slowly normalcy returns... and hunger too.

  4. You deserve a good, hearty supper, workingman!

  5. Glad to hear your back to work, Steven. Like you said, it changes the thought processes and gives you some purpose.

    But remember to give yourself the needed me time.

  6. routine - we all need it to feel "normal".

  7. Good to know you're back at work. Who doesn't like income?

  8. Glad to hear that you are back to work. Routine helps. I just found out this week that school will begin in September, but it will be virtual. But work is work. Routine is good.

  9. A daily routine will be just the thing to help you. I'm looking forward to going back to work next month, too.

    Keep on keeping on!

  10. Yay for the going back to an office. And what did you have for lunch?

  11. You doing okay? It's not like you to be silent for a week.

  12. @Old Lurker- Stevie's just getting his Garbo on blogwise, Lurkster. No worries.

  13. Thanks for keeping an eye on him, Duchess.

  14. Yes, thanks for the update. I was becoming concerned by his prolonged absence.

  15. Hey, I'm new here. Just found your blog and started poking around. We have something in common. I am starting my life over as well. My husband passed away 6 years ago, it's been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. Going back to work is awesome, everyone needs a way to occupy their day and like one of your other readers said, who doesn't like income.

    I'll be stopping back by, feel free to check out my blog @ https://newhomoblogo.blogspot.com/

    Take care
