Saturday, July 18, 2020

Happy Dance.

 Some days I just want some "happy". Well I found this video and I just freaking love it. This guy's free spirit is so infectious that it makes me smile ear to ear!

I hope it works, YouTube has issues with it so it's through instagram. Now everyone get ready to happy dance.

I find it works best in chrome, if I open it in instagram, the sound is always off so turn it on immediately to get the full happy effect! Lol.


  1. Loved this! Thanks for posting as it put a smile on my face!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Old Lurker, I think you're racist! Leave my blog for good! No just kidding, I know you're not racist, just wanted your heart to start pumping!

  3. That’s a great way to start the day. Thanks for the smile!

    1. Glad you liked it, can you dance like that? Hahaha!

    2. My “dance” is a sway otherwise I trip over my two left feet.

  4. I wish I had his energy this morning.

  5. News flash: I am in fact racist, but not because I made a Martha Wash joke.

    Did you make that doctor's appointment? Just because you are posting happier things does not mean you are off the hook.
