Sunday, November 3, 2019

Steve the jock! What?

 I have started playing sports again, it's something we athletes just have to do, ha just tricking you, no I'm not playing hockey or football, although I wouldn't mind being in the dressing room when they are all in their jocks or showering. I started curling again today, actually I was supposed to start last week but a cold kept me away. We were soundly beaten, there was no excuse, the other team were just really talented and handed us our asses on a plate! Yes... I actually do have a jock although to be honest... I bought it at an adults only store... sooo not really for sports.

 Stupid cold, it won't go away, I was on a coming out roll, it's easier to keep going once you have started. There are close friends up here that I want to tell but having learned my lesson, I want to do it in person. I want the life moments, I want to give people a chance to shine or crash, either way that's life and I'm okay with it.


  1. I wear a jock when I curl my hair.
    Does that count as sport?

    1. Bob, hmmmm I'm not sure, perhaps if you were to send me some pictures I could tell better.

  2. Good for you on getting out there and throwing some stones. I have to think about how I am going to keep active now that Debra has cursed us. I am contemplating joining a GYM, which is completely insane.

    No more excuses on coming out. Now that you have turned 23 it is time to stop hiding behind other people's convenient misconceptions.

  3. But Lurky me sick :( can't go over yet. I have been asked to dinner when I'm feeling better.
    Look I'm practicing already... "Oh why these peas taste delicious, I'm a homosexual, did you grow them in your garden? Or how about, "yes I am surprised that there is snow this early, speaking of being surprised, guess which person at this table is gay"!

  4. Let you being a 'mo' come casually and not forced. If you ever watch Mayor Pete, he does it perfectly.

  5. Jimmy, because he's so dreamy, even the straight guys want to be like him! ;)

  6. I'm just happy you're getting your body in shape for your future husband.

    1. Jimmy, yes because it will be a lot harder for him to run away from me if I can keep up! Lol!

  7. Tsk tsk, Old Lurker, I have cursed neither you nor Steven. Nagged you both, yes. Berated you both, perhaps. But I would never put a hex on either of my two favourite gays-who-need-encouragement. I am thrilled, Steven, that you will soon be hurrying hard, and that you, Lurkie, will be sweatin' at the gym.

    1. Debra, ironically I always thought Old Lurker "was" my punishment for some past transgression. I do think that you have accidentally called down the winter gremlins by wishing for fall to hurry up and arrive. Darkness is closing in around me and I have to protect myself, I must unleash the uplifting power of... dare I say it... Christmas lights.

  8. Debra: Hrm. I seem to recall SOMEONE (not Someone) celebrating the end of summer and inviting F A L L, not realizing the cold, dark S N O W Y times that follow. I'm not sure you understand what this entails -- most of the pictures I have seen of you involve sipping fruity milkshakes in tropical climates. But you are correct. I will stop blaming you for the frigid temperatures and frozen precipitation. Dr Spo has also contributed his fair share.

    I do not know that I want to go to a GYM. I do know that despite being an obese unlovable blob I need some physical activity in my life, and getting any physical activity at all in these dismal dark S N O W Y months is very difficult for me.

    As for Steven, I remember Deedles mentioning something about sparkly rainbow booty shorts and go-go boots? That's how Mayor Pete does it, right?

    1. One thing I “like” about the snow, is that it gets me some physical activity by shoveling the crap. I do have a snowblower, but try to only use it for BIG snows. And when we had 5” of snow on Halloween, it caught me unprepared. I had no gas for the blower. But it was the kind of snow that pretty much clogs the blower because it’s wet and heavy ( I won’t go there). I ended up bundling up and shoveling it so the little urchins could come begging for candy.

    2. Old Lurker, okay rule number one, don't upset the lesbians, it never ends well, just let it go.
      Now get your chubby butt down to a gym and know this, most people hate working out... so that's normal. Also work on developing your charming side, YES you have one, we all see it here, people.... "actually".... like you, just accept that and develop that part of yourself. That's the difference between you and my datesaster, you can see your flaws, he couldn't.

  9. I guess it depends upon what type of sport you are playing in the jock.

    1. Richard, well like many sports it involves balls and a stick. I actually let someone see what I looked like in the jock and he commented on the surrounding room, I guess he wasn't impressed. Lol. :D

  10. Oops, missed HuntleyBiGuy, well just be careful with wet snow, it's one thing that causes heart attacks. We have been getting snow since Halloween, fortunately it's not staying. Supposed to get a couple of inches today but then turn warm-ish, so hopefully it will melt.

  11. Lots of psychopaths are charismatic.

    1. Old Lurker, true but I'm only asking you to be nice, or maybe find another grumpy guy but anyway, you should go to a gym.

  12. I'll bet you have a lot of supporters...
