Monday, November 4, 2019

Don't touch that clock!

 Mehhhh, stupid time change! I hate it, leave the time alone. I'm going to punch every journalist and tv reporter in the face if I hear one more crap story about how it should be left to standard time. Are you FREAKING serious??? What is wrong with you people!!!! It's black dark at five now and it's only going to get worse, we have another two months of the days getting shorter to go. What good does it do in the morning, soon it won't matter if it's 5, 6 or 7 in the morning, it's still DARK! DARRRRRRK! Ahhhhh!

 Anyway, the grey gloomies are starting to close in, I'm starting to feel isolated already. I hate November, the coming winter feels daunting, like a mountain that I have to get over. Temperatures are supposed to really drop on Wednesday. Blah, stupid time change :( makes me a very sad wittle Steve.


  1. Replies
    1. Speaking of time, Old Lurker you spend way too much time looking at the internet!

  2. And another best get your bags packed and winter at the Casa du Borghese.

    1. Oops darn, well I guess I just lost my invitation with the "old people" joke! :\

  3. I have SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and I hate the dark too.

    1. Anne Marie, I sometimes wonder if I am developing it as I get older.

  4. Replies
    1. Bob, what? You are banished from here! Banished I tell you banished!!! For one full umm hour.

  5. In a seven weeks we'll be a winter solstice and days will start to get longer. Hang in there.

    1. Richard, yes but we won't see a change in daylight until February.

  6. Hi wittle Steve! Cheer up! Own the dark! Make it your bitch! I had a fever of 102 degrees for three days, two pieces of toast and a half a bowl of Jello total for three days, wishing death would take me now, so my brain cells maybe a little fried right now. I'm coming out of the dark (Gloria Esteban, get out of my head!) physically right now, ten pounds lighter, lower glucose levels and almost too low blood pressure, but I'm alive and looking forward to the dark months. Of course, we're also having summerlike weather here too, so there's that.
    I'm usually hibernating around this time of year, and I've learned to embrace the depression. If you can't do that, let Maddie touch your cock. I hear he's an expert. Hugs, wittle one.

    1. You have summer all year, mmmm summer all year! Although you are having wildfires right now and I wouldn't those.

  7. Go ahead and punch away, but please, please, PLEASE take pictures and post them!

    1. Mildred, I guess that would probably bring a lot of attention to the blog.

  8. I can’t with Te dark.
    When it’s basically dark at four pm I get stabby. I’m too fucking tropical for the Fall Back procedure. I need it to be spring all year long. Or summer.
    In any case, you need to come to the states and stay with Maddie.
    I’ll follow suit. You’ll be busy.


  9. Maddie, it's like the Lad keeps telling you, old people need their glasses when they read!

  10. Sixpence, that's what I'm going to start saying, "I just can't with the dark"! I will sound young and hip!

  11. Contrary to popular belief, we really don't have summer all year. Here in Livermore, the weather is schizophrenic. We're having mild lower summerlike temperatures in the daytime. The nights can be really cold! Not snow cold, but it's been in the 40s lately. It can drop into the 20s and 30s this time of year. This is fire season and it seems to be starting earlier and lasting longer every year. Not to mention idiot arsonists.

    1. Deedles, ooooh 20s, I honestly didn't think you got that cool. I much prefer snow season over fire season! O.O

  12. I take the dogs for a walk in the early morning. It used to be pitch black and cold, now we watch the Sunrise at the bottom of Altoona Street.

  13. Dave, it's going to be black again soon and then the flying monkeys will come for you and your little dogs too!!! Too dramatic? I know you like November Dave, that's two strikes against you after the not an ABBA fan comment. Strike three and I tell everyone you voted REPUBLICAN in the last election! Don't make me do it!

  14. Hell, Here is PA, outside Philly anyway, our weather is pretty nice most of the time. It's gets dark by 5, but it's still been mild. Everybody just come to the Casa and will be a long winter's party. But Steven, Cali Boi, and Sixpense will have to be in my boudoir. So I can protect them, yes that's it. protect them. Deedles, we don't want to two going up in flames, so you and BH can stay in the houseboy quarters. And Lurker can be right with the houseboys. Some one needs to keep those boys in check. I have no plans for Ms Moorecock and Anne Marie. They will do what they want anyhow, so what's the point.

    And now steven...your to be punished severely with that wise crack. You have obliviously been blinded by my beauty...or poked in the eye good with something.

  15. Maddie, I can't trick you, yes you know me too well and how much I love "seeing" you! I should be spanked.
    ; )

  16. I don't mind the early darkness so much. I am just thankful that I don't live in the far north where it is dark for hours on end.

    1. Michael, so you don't mind the early darkness huh... when I said you are my favorite blog child... the truth is that auto correct had changed "least favorite blog child" to "favorite blog child" and I didn't want to hurt your feelings, the truth is Deedles is my favorite child... unless Maddie is reading this and he knows that I love him most, however if sixpence sees this he knows I really meant him.. unless Anne Marie or Debra sees this and then of course.....

  17. Okay, Maddie, thanks for thinking about us, babe! Listen, if BH has to come with me, can you somehow provide house girls (women) with big jahoobies and little IQs? It's not like he'd be interested in talking to them. That's what I'm here for. Unfortunately, BH is a first responder, and investigates a lot of the fires around here, so here we be until retirement. *SIGH*

  18. Deedles, you and I are going to be busy keeping all those naughty guys inline, I suggest some light spankings to begin with, there will be no time for ugh.. house GIRLS ewwwww.

  19. First of all, Stevie, children aren't loved equally. They are all loved but differently. Since I'm not a blogger (great sigh of relief everybody) I count myself out of the running :)
    As for the house girls, don't be so misogynistic! Think of some of the other guests who may enjoy the view. BH is straight, and running into some of those houseboys may make him lose more hair! Of course, that may not be too bad, since what hair he has left is on his back :) I'm thinking of him, RTG if he comes with Anne Marie, and don't forget about Debra! Good lord man, think! It's all looking and minimal touching. Also, with BH preoccupied, I'll have more time for uninterrupted houseboy grabbing!

  20. Deedles, it amazes me how twisted your thinking can be, no wonder we get along so well!!! :D
    Deedles this is the absolute truth... of all of the thousands and thousands and thousands of women in California... you are my absolute, complete, mostest, hands down, without doubt... my favorite!

  21. Awwwww! *Sniff* many women in California do you know?

  22. Lots of snow tonight here Deedles, oh poor me I'm so upset, yup terrible, boy do I hate snow.
