Friday, November 1, 2019

November.. sigh...

Well it's official, we are firmly on our way to w.. ww.. wwwint.. winter, there I said it! Here it's the cold grey days, no leaves, no green anything and usually no sunshine. I was just thinking, jeepers almost time for Christmas lights! This morning it was snowing a little, it's not staying but that could change. Almost as if nature was saying, "okay everyone, Halloween is over now get yourself ready for winter".

 Look closely and you can see some of the white gunk.

 Some towns around here are having Halloween tonight, they cancelled it last night due to weather. Works for me because I forgot something regarding Halloween. Last night I heard a radio host asking people to send in what they thought was a perfect Halloween song. It was a repeat show from earlier in the day. There was the usual choices like, Monster Mash, Thriller, Ghostbusters but no one mentioned my favorite and I think the video also goes well with the "feel" of Halloween. Oddly enough it was "our song" between my first boyfriend and I. What better choice for Halloween than Love Song for a Vampire. Enjoy... muahahaha!


  1. Isn't today your birthday? Happy 23rd birthday, whippersnapper.

  2. Lurky, what makes you think today's my birthday?

  3. Okay, you got me Lurker, I forgot that post, yes on this day many years ago a horrible thing was unleashed upon the earth... also known as me! :D

  4. Ah, the beautiful voice of Annie Lennox.

    And, if it's your birthday, enjoy, do something fun! And, isn't it great to be a Scorpio!

    1. Dave, yes Annie was one of the good things about the 80s.

      Scorpios rule!

  5. Don't you feel like Christmas is a bullet train traveling at maximum speed now that Halloween is over?

  6. Richard, yes exactly! I feel like I just put away the lights!!! I may put them up December first, I find the darkness already getting to me.

  7. Happy (belated) birthday! Scorpio, eh? Scorpios are known for have a deep, hidden, unexpectedly kinky and intense, sexuality. It's true. Look it up.

  8. Debra, I don't have to look it up... I already know it's true! ;D
