Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pizza Oppression!

 I was directed to a post on the Travel Penguin's blog about vegans, regarding how nasty they can be... like those bitter starving models that just need a sandwich for Pete's sake! Hahaha, sorry if you are a vegan, I'm just pulling your chain, although brace yourself for more judgment.

 The post did make me think about something that happened at the Halloween party, something that really ticked me off. The host was ordering pizzas, he was going to get a variety as everyone has different tastes. I'm all for being inclusive, I would never want someone to feel left out. If it was me, I would order, combination, vegetarian, meat lovers etc. The host had the same idea in mind; however instead of ordering these selections, he first asked permission from the vegans/vegetarians. He asked if it was okay for him to order "carnivore pizza", would anyone "be offended" if he ordered "carnivore pizza". Nobody had objections that night, as everyone there enjoyed meat on their pizza but apparently there are members who are offended by the eating of meat and demand that no one is allowed to eat meat in their presence.

 I have a HUGE problem with that, so the vegans/vegetarians not only get to decide what kind of pizza they eat... but now get to decide what kind of pizza I eat! First.. we all had to chip in money, if you are deciding on what I'm buying to eat, then you better be paying my bill you arrogant bleeps! Second, the group doesn't want to offend anyone, well you have a problem now because I'm totally offended by someone else's views and lifestyle choices being forced on me. You're not superior because you don't eat meat, you just made a dietary choice, I respect that but you better come down off the pedestal you placed yourself on, before someone knocks you off.

 Carnivore pizza? What is up with that, we didn't chase a pizza across the svelte of Africa and tackle it to the ground. It has more vegetables on it than meat usually! I'm getting tired of being dictated to by the vegan cult. If you're that offended by how other people live, then maybe you should start a vegan club, at least that way people have the choice of joining and accepting to eat vegan/vegetarian or not. I hate this new inclusiveness that excludes to be inclusive. I feel oppressed, I'm a grown ass man and I should be able to decide what toppings are on my pizza!!!

 The Penguin's post is here.


  1. Ok I’m all for asking people what they want on their pizzas. But DON’T ask if it’s ok wha input on MY pizza! Especially if I’m contributing to the cost, basically paying my own freight. I’m with you on this point.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, it should be that simple, I get to choose what I want.

  2. If a vegan ever told me what I could or could not eat in their presence, I'd eat them.

    And not in the good way.

    1. Bob, I wonder if they would have a "nutty" flavor... lol.

  3. My runner friend Steve is a vegan and he doesn't care if I eat a couple slices of meat lover's pizza as long as his slices are crammed with veggies. Steve understands diversity while some of the guests at the party you went selfishly don't.

    1. Dave, it seems like some people think what they believe is correct and everyone needs to make them happy.

  4. I agree with you. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves, but not for others. The party host was wrong to "ask permission" from the vegetarians to even order meat pizzas.

    1. Debra, that's what really got to me, that their views were put over others.

  5. I could have written this post. I'm all for inclusiveness. And that means everyone's opinion.
    There is a vegan has an allotment next to ours and she "tut tuts" if I get the slug pellets out. At first I was scared of upsetting her but now I wait until she's around before I sprinkle liberally around😂
    The slugs have the right to choose whether they eat them or not.

    1. Christina, this made me laugh so much. There are people in the city who protest to save mice and rats. We are not allowed to buy bug spray. Guess what has happened now, many office buildings are being shut down because they are infested with mice, rats, bats and bed bugs.

  6. Here here!! I agree. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that vegan/vegetarians are all starting to sound like Christians.
    "I demand that you do this," Sounds like it to me. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass what people eat be it animal or vegetable. I agree that if I'm paying for it then don't force your ideology on me or down my throat.

    1. Leanna, yes I feel it's the same type of thinking. I spiritually believe meat is wrong so everyone must follow my belief.

  7. Fun fact....I could eat a slice of pizza everyday and have sometime.

    Now let's role play pizza delivery guy and customer Steven. Just wait till you see what's under my apron!!!!!!!

    1. Maddie, as you approach 50, you need to change that thinking, you don't want to get boobs for real... hahaha!

  8. I am not vegan but I am vegan-adjacent (eg: I live with vegans). I ought to be vegan, though. I have the personality for it.

    There are different kinds of vegans in the world. I think what people do not accept about evangelical vegans is that they do not see eating meat as value neutral. They see it akin to slavery or racism, so when you say "okay, vegans, you can have your nutrient-poor carbs and we will have our meat" they hear "okay, vegans, you can have ethical pizza and we will have pizza produced by murdering babies". That may not make sense to you, but it is not that far from the view certain evangelicals take. What makes things worse is that they are not entirely wrong, but accepting that they are right makes things super-inconvenient for us.

    Another way of seeing this perspective is fur. Omnivores sometimes wear (or even flaunt) fur coats in public, but on the whole the (ignorant, city-slicker) public is less comfortable around fur clothing than it used to be. Now wearing fur is a political statement in addition to a fashion one, even if you are an omnivore. (For some reason leather is still okay, though.) Foods like veal or foie gras also come to mind as making some omnivores uncomfortable.

    1. Old Lurker, these people you live with, can they leave whenever they want? I mean they're not tied up or anything.. right?
      You made me laugh so hard with your personality remark.
      I think you hit the nail on the head with vegan evangelical.. vegangelicals? I do understand they think it's murder but at the same time they are often pro-choice so that's pretty hypocritical. Just like I no longer have time for discussions with evangelicals, I won't argue with them either. Believe what you want but don't try to harness me with your beliefs.
      As for fur, I think it was the idea of rich people killing animals for a status symbol that made people angry. Plus many animal species were nearly wiped out just so that someone could show off an expensive coat.

  9. Also consider just how much North Americans freak out when other cultures eat dogs.

    1. Lurker, many cultures can't believe we eat beef, not just because of religious beliefs, some see cows like we see horses.

  10. we just ordered a double pepperoni pizza. suck THAT, vegans!

    1. Anne Marie, but tell us how you really feel? Hahaha!

  11. So I am trying stop eat meat because of the treatment of the animals in the food industry and not because "dietary choice". If it was because "dietary choice" or taste I am very much about meat, but after watch some documentares about the animals and food industry I am trying stop. Think now that you are in a Chinese setting in Canada where is not forbid a fesival like yulin festival, would you like that the majority of the people in this hipotetical yulin festivel in Canada ask your permition to kill a dog and eat or would you be ok with that?
    Nick from Brazil

    1. Hello Nick, I'm going to disagree with you but I appreciate that you wrote in with a different opinion and you are always welcomed to disagree with me.
      First Canada is a society with its own culture and I see nothing wrong with Canadians saying, "we find that practice not acceptable in our society". I'm not sure but it's my understanding that the dogs are tortured to death as part of the festival. That's unacceptable, making animals suffer is something completely different. I believe in the welfare of animals, they are not our enemies, we can be humane in our treatment of them. I'm going to point out that the documents you are watching were produced by people with an agenda, I would question their viewpoint and even facts. Although Brazil may not have humane slaughterhouses.
      I have no issue with you becoming a vegetarian, I only have issues with you forcing me to be one. It's still a choice you are making, think of it this way.... I tell you that I have joined a new religion, I dress a certain way, I act a certain way, I eat certain foods. Now I say to you, "Nick, I'm offended by the way you live your life, even though you don't share my belief I demand that you dress like me, act like me and eat what I eat... is that correct for me to ask that of you.

  12. Replies
    1. Travel, no problem, I have been meaning to add you to my blog roll.

  13. I, like Lurkie am vegan-adjacent. And they’ve never had any problems with me eating meat.
    What I do when eating with vegans is eat what they eat.


  14. Sixpence, so actually I think it's healthy to eat mostly vegetarian meals. I go for days without eating meat, even then it's usually a few pieces of chicken. I think we eat too much meat, just don't tell me what I'm allowed to pick off a menu if I'm paying.

  15. It's more that I can leave whenever I want -- I rent from them, not the other way around. Fortunately they are more presbyterian than evangelical.

    Everything about eating other things to survive is hypocritical. There is no consistent way to live. But I do not feel this means every set of choices is morally equivalent. In my experience farmers and country folks have a very different set of ethics from ignorant city slickers, who have a very different set of ethics from the vegan evangelicals. What gets hilarious is when vegan evangelicals become farmers.

    What right do you have to tell other people not to eat (or flaunt) their consumption of endangered species? If I want to order blue whale on my pizza then I should be free to do so without you harassing me.

  16. Lurker, we don't have to be cruel or destructive about it. It doesn't make sense if I love eating skunks so much that none are left and I also think it's dangerous to enjoy torturing an animal to death.
    I personally don't have a lot of problems with people's choices.. within reason. Sure I might want bacon on a pizza but I also would object if someone wanted to kill a pig at the party and eat it, think about the carpet. Some of my friends have eaten dog, I don't disown them. I know a lot of people who eat bear, to me that's like eating dog, I wouldn't do it but I never tell them to not eat bear. North Americans freak over eating dog but I heard some eat coyote so what's the difference meat wise. Wear a fur coat if you want but be responsible to the environment.
