Monday, November 11, 2019

Onward to Christmas.

 The memorials are over, the poppies put away. It started to snow this afternoon and it's supposed to be a fair amount of snow. In Canada this signals the beginning of the holiday season, we already had our Thanksgiving, Halloween is long gone so clear sailing towards Christmas and New Year. Many Canadians don't turn on their Christmas lights until tonight out of respect for Remembrance Day. My sister already contacted me regarding plans for Christmas, unfortunately mom will not be able to join us. This will be my first Christmas without Mom being part of it, I'm still not used to having Christmas without Dad but such is life. I will try to see her Christmas eve or Christmas morning if possible. At the speed time seems to be travelling, the holidays will be here in the blink of an eye.


  1. The dogs and I love snow!

    Personally, I can't wait for the freaking holidays to be over. I work in retail, remember.

    1. Dave, yes that's right, I have empathy for you, especially December must be a pain for you. I like a little snow for Christmas but not this early, we usually don't get it until middle to end of December.

  2. Turn on Christmas lights?!?!?! Already? I don't turn my red lights on till the second week of December.

    You should go see your mother for Christmas. When my dad was ill and had dementia, the doctor often asked why I bother coming by since he won't never/remembers it. I told him your right, but I remember.

    1. Maddie, most people don't turn them on until December first or after. It's just that the early birds keep them off out of respect until tonight. I agree with you... too early. In their defense, it is totally dark by five here now.

      You and I are on the same page, we remember and have to answer to ourselves.

    2. Maddie, I thought the red light was on every night. 😉

    3. Now HuntleyBiGuy, Maddie is a very respectable lady! Most of the time... some of the time.. well I'm sure there are times when she is.

  3. It snowed hard here too. It took me forever to get to work.
    And xmas lights already! Damn!
    I think your idea of seeing your mom xmas eve or xmas morning is really sweet!


  4. Sixpence, good... you can keep the snow, lol! Most don't put up lights until December first. Just a few people and the stores do in November... but it's dark here and Christmas lights are so pretty pretty pretty. Some people just celebrated diwali which is the festival of lights and they use Christmas lights. That's one of the reasons they have started calling Christmas lights, festival lights or holiday lights, to be inclusive and also expand their sales lol.

  5. Yes, my mind is slowly, creakingly, turning toward Christmas now.

    1. Debra, well not so excited that you called fall in early now are you? It's going to -25 wind chill here tonight, that's cold enough to freeze the balls off a Christmas tree!

  6. Ugh. Xmas. You are welcome to it. You can even take the carol if you want.

    On the other hand I am sad you won't get to spend many holidays with your mom. I think visiting her on Christmas day is a good idea. Plus it will be nice eye candy for the staff at her home.

    1. I confess... I'm starting to like Christmas again, I think it's what you make it, if you just concentrate on sharing meals with people you like and enjoying yourself, all that other garbage is invisible. Everyone knows it's just retail trying to make a buck off us.

      Anyway Lurker, remember the Whos in Who Ville like you now and you are invited for roast beast.

  7. Here in the states I try to do get outside decorating done the day after Thanksgiving. However, with temps in the single digits (Fahrenheit) the next couple of days I’m not sure it will be temperate enough, or the ground thawed enough to do much.

    Oh well, get the hot chocolate ready.

    1. HuntleyBiGuy, you had me at hot chocolate! Don't freeze your fingers!

  8. It will be 2020 before you know it.

  9. Richard, that comment just scared the crap out of me, I'm just getting over the 90s.

  10. Those twerps in Whoville won't like me so much once I take their stupid holiday, stuff it into a giant sack, and drop it off a cliff.uing to get spam that should be caught.
    Furthermore I don't eat roast beast. Why can't you respect my dietary preferences?

  11. Old Lurker, did you just have a brain hiccup? What's that you are saying about spam buddy, lol??? Actually is it my understanding that you ticked off a spam jerk? Well because high five if you did!!! Hahaha, only you could do something like that.

    I go full postal on them, notice we don't see certain spammers anymore... eh? I have to warn the others, many don't realize that bots have situated themselves on the "follower" part of their blog.

  12. Copy and paste hiccup, actually.

    The spam jerk shocked me, actually. Fortunately Blobby destroyed the evidence so now nobody will believe me.

    Honestly I do not understand why Blogger commenting is so stupid. Since when does it make sense to allow anybody to comment by default? You can allow anonymous comments without approving everything. Wordpress does it better. The only spam comments that show up on my blog are the ones I write myself; all the others get filtered out.

  13. I think blogger understands now that I'm a squeaky wheel, as soon as I have a problem it seems to disappear. It's a weird principle of mine I guess but I refuse to allow spam to dictate how I run my blog, so far I seem to keep the door open but I may have to change things in the future.
