Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Thick of WINTER, ugh!

 I'm not sure if it's due to climate change or just a cycle we are experiencing but we are in the thick of winter already. The nights have been dropping to almost -20 Celsius and unfortunately that drains all the heat out of the earth. Now that the heat is gone, the snow will stay. We have been getting snow every day almost since November first. This cycle or pattern started above five years ago and seems to be the norm now.

 Usually this area doesn't kick into winter until near Christmas, there have been close calls regarding a green Christmas in past years but not lately. It was not unheard of for winter to arrive near the end of November, that has happened a few times since I was a child. It seems that now winter starts immediately following Halloween. That weighs heavy on a person's mind because what it means is six months of winter instead of four, that's a long time, six months of real winter, not the cute Hollywood winter where everyone is running around in sweaters and drinking hot chocolate. Basically we went from trick or treating and pumpkins, to deep freeze.

 Then there is the darkness, the seemingly never ending darkness. Although Tuesday night the moon was shining on the new snow and you could almost read a book from the light. December first I'm putting up lights and doing a naked pagan dance... inside.. yes inside.


  1. Yes, I understand that you are upset about the polar vortex or whatever, but can't you spare a thought for anybody else? Other people have to deal with the frigid cold as well. Why, the weather in Phoenix is 70 degrees today (or 21 degrees in socialist temperature). Just think of how Dr Spo must be suffering.

    As for me, I almost forgot to get squash for the winter this year, but I managed to get a few the day before the first deep freeze. The rest of those poor squash and pumpkins in the fields must be frozen solid now.

    1. OL, careful buddy, nothing worse than having your pumpkins frozen!

  2. We got that winter snow and cold last week. But this week, it's above zero and the snow is melting. Now we're getting freezing rain at night.

    1. Debra, we are apparently heading into a deep freeze, at least it's supposed to be sunny.

  3. When the mistress heard you've been getting snow everyday since November started, we're sorry to inform you your application was declined for marriage. Please re-apply at a later date. Thank you.

    1. Maddie, oh so that's how it is!!! Well then mister I'm returning the nice pair of crocs I got you as a wedding gift!

  4. In Denver, we had record breaking cold weather in October. It has snowed five times already. A few days ago it was 80 (26.6 C). It seems like wild swings in temperature are normal now. I'm sure it's a much colder in your area, and you have more snow.

  5. you MUST take a video of that naked pole dance!

  6. So where's this global warming, you'all talkin' about now Blanche?

    And who's pole you be dancin' on? (oh dear that was rude wasn't it!!)

  7. Yes, the darkness is a pain in the ass, but I do get used to it. I just keep reminding myself that in about a month and a half days will begin getting longer.

    1. Dave, yes but the longer days will not be noticeable for another three+ months.

  8. It's cold and dark and wet in Smallville and I loooooooooove it.

    But I would like to see your dance.

    1. Bob, your first line cancelled any chance regarding the second line.

  9. Ok, so about that naked pagan dance... yes, please?
    Wanna come to Chicago? We can synchronize our circadian rhythm


  10. Sixpence, circadian rhythm, is that what they are calling it these days?
