Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday service, all rise please.

 Since many bloggers are away, I will fill in for the Sunday sermon, since I'm not that religious, I need a little help. Everyone please rise and open your books to the story of Noah's ark. Blah, evolution smevolution, what will those silly scientists make up next!


  1. None of my friends attend church services. My father is the only person I know who attends a weekly service.

    1. Richard about 25% of my friends still go to church. About 85% of the older people around here still go.

  2. That is so funny. It is a rather absurd story when you think about it. Why didn't He just snap his fingers and make everybody just disappear?

  3. Dave, yes lol, he could have snapped his fingers and poof!!! Lol,no more humans.

  4. Nobody has every told me to arise, it's usually get on your knees. Is this where we role play now as Father and alter boy?!?

    1. Maddie I used to be an alter boy. Fortunately all the priests were good men, well except for the one that hit my serving partner, he was scary, I went to another church until he left.

  5. I think you would make an excellent pastor - just don't do too much "Judges" not without props.

  6. Dr Spo, I am here to take your confessions, first let me get a beer, I bet this is going to be good!

  7. Sometimes I wish I was a Christian. Church sounds like fun.

  8. Old Lurker, were you raised in a different religion or just with no religion at all?

  9. A bit of both. My cultural heritage is non-Christian, but I was not raised strongly in that faith tradition (we did go to our place of worship, however).

    1. OL, you are allowed to say what religion, I'm not going to judge you lol.. and besides.. nobody reads this blog.

      P.S. I don't know about you, but I have this worried feeling regarding Deedles.

  10. Oh you'll judge.

    I am trying not to worry. I am sure everybody else is right and she is okay. When she comments on my blog I see her submitted email address. Do you not see this on your blog comment notifications? You could try shooting her an email.

    She has not been gone that long. She last commented Sept 8.

  11. No Lurky I don't see the email address. Probably just some me time needed. However I feel...

    Well now you just have me thinking you once belonged to a cult or something but ok Lurky, keep it to yourself. It's funny Lurker but people would not only be shocked to find out that I'm gay.. but also that I went on a few coffee dates with a Muslim guy from Pakistan.. I would have totally dated him only there were too many issues regarding an ex. One of the things I didn't blog about.
