Sunday, September 15, 2019

I'm such a dork? Turkey? Dorkey?

 I did it again, I missed out on going out. I don't know what gets into me at times but I have a habit of being excited about an upcoming event, only to give up on going the night before or even that morning.

 This weekend there were three events that I wanted to attend. I was even a little excited about one. On Saturday I was going to have to choose; however the weather decided it for me, it rained all Friday night and early Saturday morning, so it was best that I go to one particular event only twenty minutes away from me. Nope didn't go, lost track of time and realized no point in going. This morning I couldn't get into gear. I was finally ready by eleven but I then realized that it takes over two hours to get there. I would just get there and in a couple of hours everything would be over and it's another two plus hours driving home. I talked myself out of it and decided not to go. In other words all the plans for this weekend, went out the window. I really wonder about myself, my sister was telling me that she does that as well. Maybe the idea of something sounds great but the reality of it, is not so exciting. Clearly proof that I over think most situations.


  1. I can see I'm going to have to help you get the lead out. wink

    I can get like that too, but mostly only in the winter time.

    1. Maddie.. :( you said the bad word... rhymes with printer.

  2. Time to shape up! What's on the agenda for next weekend?

    Did you get your tickets for this?

  3. I get like a homebody sometimes, too, and just don't wanna leave my house, no matter what may be happening. Sometimes, staying in is really the best thing.
    But sometimes it's not so get out!

    1. Bob, yes homebody, I should start a club.. with no meetings, just skyping with each other.. lol!

  4. Do you think you may be subconsciously sabotaging your plans by procrastinating?

    1. Richard, probably but I am also not a morning person, I'm a little zoned out.

  5. Hhhm. I'm Mr. Punctuality. Got a clock in every room. Most often, I arrive unfashionably on time.

  6. Dave, on time? That's just sick, you have issues! Lol

  7. Oh I get like that too. Especially when I decide to go to a club or gay bar. WHen the time to get ready comes, I’m always on the sofa so I get more popcorn and start Netflix. Bar is totally forgotten cause I can’t bother to get ready. 😎


  8. Sixpence... YOU GET ME! YOU GET ME! This is why I luv you so much! Hahaha!

  9. My aunt used to say "he's a nice lad but he needs someone by his side at all times to shake him silly'

  10. Dr Spo, that's a new one for me, it may have some truth to it regarding me.
