Monday, September 16, 2019

Playing Cops and Robbers?

 One sure sign of me starting to get old older is how young.. the younger people are starting to look. Today while picking up some groceries, I saw a police officer stopping in to grab a coffee. Usually like the rest of you dirty goats, I'm eyeing the guy up and down.. making sure his uniform fits him snugly nicely. Today however I didn't feel that way, I felt concerned for him, like if I was his uncle, he must have just started the job, he looked seventeen! I was wondering was he looking for bad guys.. or his mommy! Maybe he was just playing cops and robbers and borrowed the car for authenticity, no just kidding, he was the real deal. As he drove away I realized we as a society place a lot of responsibility on that young man's shoulders, he hasn't even begun to experience life yet.

 I felt bad for him because as he was hurriedly getting into his car, he didn't realize that he dropped his teddy while crossing the parking lot. No he didn't really have a teddy, my bad.


  1. Haha
    You were just being nice. Glad to see your little head is not always leading 😎.
    Also, I think you may be like me and younger men are just kind of source of curiosity, or of paternal concern, because we enjoy the company of men over a certain age better.


    1. Sixpence, yes actually I agree with you. Young guys I associate with my friends sons, it's interesting to see how they turned out as young men but I'm not interested. I like guys around my age,a little younger or a little older. I'm happy about that, I didn't want to be one of those older men after twenty year olds.

  2. Yesterday we were role playing priest and alter boy, now today cops and robbers?!?!? Which part o you want baby?

    I have a good friend Gavin, a real sweetheart. When I met him he looked 19, but I figured he had to be older, and he was 25. I was ataken back when he told me he was a cop. For reason you state. He lives in DC NOW. Wanted more action.

    1. Maddie.. but did you shag him and did he handcuff you!?! I would not resist arrest from many of the cops I see.

    2. Maddie, forgive me, I should have known better! Hahaha!

  3. dirty goats? DIRTY GOATS?? eyeing a nice piece of man candy is what intelligent people do! man candy is to be savored and, if you are lucky enough, tasted.

  4. Anne Marie, I nearly wet myself laughing at your response... clearly you realize that I included you in there because you are as bad (or good) as any of the men here! :D

  5. If he didn't have a teddy then what did he drop?

    No ogling the police officers! They are not there for your objectification!

    1. Old Lurker, he dropped his phone number, I try to be a decent man but when opportunities come up and the porn music starts playing, then we as gay men have no choice. "Yes officer, I will bend over the hood of your car while you frisky me".

  6. I think I have a few years on you, and I can tell you, you know you're old, not when all the police officers look to be about 16, and not when they start calling you "Sir" - it's when you take it for granted that they damn well should call you "Sir".

  7. Autolycus, hello! Lol yes sir I understand where you are coming from. I can remember the first time I was called "sir", I was about twenty and two young girls of about thirteen needed help with forms that we were filling in. One stepped over to me and said, "excuse me sir, would you help me please". I felt my youth ended that day lol, now I think twenty is a kid stuffed in an adult body.

  8. Now, if you could find the Construction Worker, the Leatherman, the Cowboy, and the Native American, you could start a group!

  9. Hi. Now when you said "dropped his teddy", my mind went to lingerie. I guess I fall into the dirty goat category, huh?

    1. Deedles juice! Deedles juice! Deedles juice! Wow it worked! Yes you definitely fit in the dirty goat club.. was there any doubt?

  10. Deedles! You came back! Steven was lying to us! He said we were too immature to deserve your company and that you went off to find better blogfriends. That made me very sad because I appreciate your company a lot.

    1. Old Lurker, well... that was supposed to be between you and I, guess I won't confide in you anymore.

  11. That's so sweet, Lurkster! I didn't go anywhere. I just unplugged for awhile. I'm on the "Don't Go Near Bread or The Aroma Would Give You More Carbs That You Shouldn't Have" diet. Been grumpy, antisocial (more than usual), craving potatoes in any shape or form and obnoxious (more than usual). I try not to inflict myself on good people when I'm in a severe down swing. Steven wouldn't lie. I don't know any mature people.

    1. The blogosphere was coming apart without you.. it was horrible I tell you.. just horrible!!!

  12. Jimmy, I'm still above ground so all is reasonably well indeed :)

    1. Deedles, above ground is always good... ummm I wasn't worried, nope not me, Lurky was pooping his pants over the amount of blog commenting since he had to take up the slack while you were on stayawaycation, extra grumpy he was says I.

  13. Oh my gosh, you're so right. They come into the store walking slowly beside a toddler and I think 'oh, look, he's got his little brother,' until the toddler looks up and calls him Daddy.

    1. Dave, lol yes that happens a lot too, sometimes though the guy had a kid at sixteen so you never know. Guys often don't age until in their mid thirties or later.

  14. Deedles: I am also on the "Crave Potatoes All the Time" diet, but then I cheat and my weight explodes. I have no good excuse for being grumpy and antisocial, though.

    Dave: I also look up at men who are not my biological father and call them Daddy.

  15. Old Lurker, awww, now I want potatoes.

    That last statement... meh don't we all at one time or another!

  16. It was a lot of extra blog commenting, let me tell you. It did quite the number on my reputation, too. Steven called one of my comments THOUGHTFUL. Can you believe it? I was just trying to cover for Debra while she was away on vacation, and then I get saddled with THAT?

  17. OL, sorry.. it won't happen again... well unless I'm trying to get under your skin.
