Monday, May 20, 2019

Umm, lost in translation?

 Today was a holiday so I had a long weekend to get caught up on things... which I didn't because of my addiction to the internet... but that's another post for another day. Keeping things light for a Monday, the company Heinz has been patting itself on the back for creating a new condiment, a bottle of ketchup mixed with mayonnaise. They called it.... you guessed it Mayochup, I haven't tried it but I'm thinking they should have named it upchup! I can mix my own combination if I want to.
 In Canada however they are getting publicity for all the wrong reasons. There is a large Cree population in parts of Canada and apparently the translation of mayochup into their language means shitfaced, some other close dialects also translated into sh#t in your eye or sh#t on your face. That's not a good image you want people picturing in their heads when they are choosing a condiment. The company said that they will review the name but for now they will sell out the stock first. Hmmm, maybe I should get a bottle of shitface as a collector's item, it would certainly be a good conversation piece!


  1. Deedles, my stomach starts doing flip flops just thinking about it. Ugggh!

  2. Our friends at Heinz are really batting zero these days. I know it's symbolic but frankly that bottle of French's katsup is pretty damned good.

    1. Willym, yes I switched as well! French's taste like tomato and Heinz ketchup taste like sugar and vinegar.

  3. Anne Marie sure has a way with words! She's my hero. If Balder Half wasn't allergic and hateful to cats, I'd get four kitties and name them Barf, Vom, Puke and Horf (especially Horf). Just one question: Is the donkey diseased or just his dick? Dirty, coming out of depression, inquiring minds (well, mind) want to know!

    1. My cousins had two kittens named shithead and manure spreader, they were teenage boys when they named them. Someone please get that donkey to a vet!

  4. Heinz could also call their combo Thousand Island Dressing without the pickle relish because that's exactly what it really is.

    1. Leanna, or we could just call it gross. Even their ketchup taste funny or I'm getting older and my taster is working funny!

  5. Never. I'll never try it, and not jsut because, to the Cree, it's shitfaced.

  6. Anne Marie, another image that the company probably doesn't want people thinking about. Lol!!!

  7. Bob, when I think of it, I have never mixed those two things on purpose. Maybe only having them on a burger at the same time but that's it. Actually I almost never use ketchup now that I'm older.

    This is what some people get when they tattoo something in another language on their body without even thinking about it. You have no idea how many of my friends have suddenly bursted out laughing when some very hot person parades around showing off their tats. Only to discover that they have something tattooed on that says 'the food is not good' or 'Lamps are small' on their body. Seriously, people.
    Also, I can take ketchup but please keep the Mayo.


  9. I have a post coming up later this week on this very topic! I'll admit I do like the combo but NOT in Heinz prepackaged mess. As you said, I'll make my own if I'm so inclined.

    1. 1st Man, I look forward to your post lol, I didn't realize it was actually a "thing". I wonder if Heinz will make my tomato onion sandwich a thing? :)

  10. Mayochup??? I can hardly wait to see what JP and Guido will use that to lubricate with.

    1. Maddie, I have a feeling that Guido would never allow such a thing in their house.

  11. Why mayochup and not ketchonnaise?

    I'm sorry you did not get caught up on things. This was a wasted weekend for me as well, and Monday has not been better.

  12. Anne Marie, you two need to be sat in a corner for five minutes! Hahaha!

  13. Old Lurker, well I suspect a name change is coming really soon lol.
    Today is my Monday so to speak, at least I'm productive there.

  14. A classic marketing move gone wrong. Part of a product lifecycle is to find new uses for an existing product in order to expand its market share. This failure is one for the marketing textbooks.

  15. Richard, like the new coke and it caused a backlash, people started switching to Pepsi.
