Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Today becomes my Monday since it was a holiday yesterday. I know everyone says it's a shorter week blah blah blah but I sometimes find it feels even longer.

 This past three day weekend that was a complete write off because of my playing on the internet the whole time, tells me something that I have known for a while now. That I have a problem, a big problem of being addicted to being on line. I think part of it is due to loneliness and feeling disconnected but what good is it to email and text with people all the time but never spend actual time with another person.

 The weekend was beautiful, sunny but not too hot, no bugs out yet surprisingly and it would have been a perfect time to get the yards and gardens ready; however I never ventured outside for more than twenty minutes. I'm in trouble, it's starting to affect my life, I have to get myself back under control. The house is a disaster, it's one of the reasons I can't get this place ready to sell. My brain is like a kid with A.D.D I think because the internet does the thinking for us and is always trying to grab our attention. Anyway I have to go to work, at least I can keep away from it there.


  1. I believe most people have wasted too much time online. I know I'm guilty.

  2. Guilty here as well. Movie trailers, emails, texts, porn. You name it. The internet and computer drive me to distraction. The only way I get myself away from it is with something to knit or read. So I've been knitting quite a bit lately. Then some porn. Then some knitting. Then some reading. It's a problem.

  3. Guilty!
    Well, babe, you see I post most every day. I also almost got in trouble for porning way too much. That’s me Marie-Komodo-Ing my mind. I am online way too much too. But I try to do it before breakfast and after dinner. It’s a rule I try to follow.
    And you should start a project. Or two: project one would be to show us a before and after of the house (we would shower you with opinions, of course) project two would be a cute corner in your garden. We would of course butt in. It’d be a win-win: you organize your house and we are our snoopy selves. Deal?


  4. I doubt you will find much disagreement in this crowd. Yes, you probably have a problem. So do I (I will be late for my next appointment because I am posting this). So do most of us.

    I find that if I map out my time and/or tasks in a concrete way then I am more likely to stay offline. Since you are hot maybe you could get one of your Grindr friends to come over and help you trim the bushes.

  5. Your schedule. Email.porn.blogs.porn. porn.news items.porn.watch movie clip.porn.farmer news.porn.porn.porn.check online bank.porn.

    I surmise there is a BIG problem. At least down there. Lol!!!!!!

  6. Steven,
    I think we are all guilty of too much time on the internet. What did we ever do before it was "invented?" Just imagine trying to teach a class of 30 13-year olds all of whom have a laptop. Not easy!

  7. I try to limit myself to the morning with mah cawfee, and the evening when I get home from work. in between I work and knit on my lunch hour.

  8. I think Maddie's projecting again. Ah technology, the more it speeds things up, the more it slows us down. I remember getting pissed off when my kids were allowed to use calculators in class. Teach 'em how to count, dadgumit! I still can't count well, but at least I learned how to! So what if I have to use my fingers, I still learned! When batteries die and electricity goes out, I still have my fingers and toes, not to mention being able to count back change.
    See? I talk too much when I'm manic, and stay away (for the most part) when I'm depressed. There has got to be a middle ground!

  9. Deedles......I would never and don't ever, ever view porn!!!!! I don't know what your talking about honey.

  10. Maddie, and I say this with a heart full of love, bitch puleeze! I read your blog, Sunshine! The Candy Shoppe alone can make a person go blind without even touching themselves! I should know, I'm the one getting eye injections! Since you don't view porn, do you download (or whatever) these delightful, uh I mean, filthy pix while wearing a blindfold or something? Projection and denial, tsk.

  11. Deedles: That is why Maddie has houseboys. You don't think he does all that blogging all by himself, do you?

    1. Thank you lurky. I work under the table sometimes.

  12. Thanks Lurkster. I totally forgot about the houseboys. Maybe because I didn't think they cud spel. My bad.

  13. healthy thinking caring people watch porn. and they freely admit it. my fave is 2 handsome hairy bears getting down on it!
