Sunday, May 19, 2019

T.M.I and other stuff.

 I was texting back and forth with a friend yesterday (he's a straight guy but I don't hold that against him, I'm open minded). He responded to one of my texts with "TMI", that means "too much information" for the non hip/cool people. I was telling him about being over at an Indian friend's house for supper. The guy is a really good cook, he was worried that the food might be too spicy for me. It didn't seem to be, I found it spicy as in flavorful and not spicy as in too hot to eat. I really enjoyed it. The TMI came as a result of explaining that my Irish Canadian heritage began to disagree with me the next day regarding the level of spiciness. I said that it didn't seem that spicy going in... but that it seemed a lot spicier coming out.

  After the supper we had a little wine and conversation. Also by accident we all suddenly fell down a rabbit hole that caused us all to enjoy ourselves and laugh and laugh. Even though there were people of different ages and from different countries we started watching something that united us with its shear genius. Yes... you guessed it, we started watching old episodes of Mr Bean. For those who grew up with him and followed him, it's a cult like thing, I can't explain it, especially not to Americans (tehe).

 It speaks volumes in today's climate about that simple evening get together, when you consider that some of us were not wearing turbans and some were. At the time I didn't even notice this fact; however I was thinking about it today listening to more stories about homophobia, racism etc on the news. People really are good at creating turmoil when there is no reason to. If they would only take the time to sit and speak with someone, they might learn something.

  Regarding a different topic, there was a moment at the end of the night that caught me, it was when the credits were rolling after it was over. Many of the episodes that I did remember were produced in 1990, that stunned me for a second. I remember talking about them with friends and one of my family members also loved watching it with me, I think it was mom. Wow 1990 and some 1993.  Almost thirty years ago, the show was created before some of the people watching it with me were born.

  Anyway back to over sharing. Have you ever reached that point where you just want to stop wiping. Sometimes you gently half wipe, hoping that the extra absorbent material  in your underwear that is supposed to help keep you dry... actually does its job. This is one of those times that I'm glad I never joined the thong wearing gay crowd. You know that mind game, where you say, "don't think of a pink elephant" and then everyone thinks of a pink elephant, well don't think about rim...g, I couldn't help it eww.. sorry lol. There is that point where you feel that you could light a match off your butt because it's burning so hot, you start to wonder what it would be like to place an ice cube up there. Imodium thou magic elixir is a god send.


  1. I like mister bean. I can still laugh at monty python episodes from the early 70s too. and BTDT regarding emissions.

    1. Anne Marie, Bean there done that ;).
      Some of the Monty Python stuff is still hilarious but some other stuff is very dated; however it was ground breaking in its day.

  2. I love Mr. Beans too!!!!!!

    That was way to much tmi. Have you been hanging around with Deedles???? I love you Steven, future husband...but I refuse to even think the notion of rubbing a soothing emollients on your arse.

    1. Maddie, I love that you said arse lol. I'm always hanging around Deedles, although I'm worried that she hasn't been around today :(

  3. And to Anne Marie, I know you love your Indian food gurl. I also understand one place closed down because of one of your emissions backfires?

    1. Maddie, ok didn't you just give me trouble over too much info? Anne Marie is a proper lady and would never do such a thing!

  4. LoL
    Mr. Bean is a riot! God, those episodes are almost thirty years old?
    And talking about the reason for the TMI, what about a bidet? Wether you go full on, or just an add on water spray, it’s SO much better!
    What? TMI?


    1. Sixpence, well I guess I started it. I totally want to try a bidet.

  5. Oh Christ Sixpense...a bidet???? If Steven gets one of those, we'll never get him off.

    So to speak.

  6. Ah Mr. Bean! This American knows that TV show. My dad used to watch it on Saturday nights.

    1. Michael, I often say that my life is a Mr Bean episode some days.

  7. I too love Indian food; often I can't get it made spicy enough. Restaurants are nebbish to be hot I suppose.

  8. Dr Spo, I suspect they are used to serving Caucasians that request spicy but don't grasp what spicy really means in other cultures.

  9. I agree with your straight friend.

    It will be interesting to see how Mr Bean holds up over time.

  10. Old Lurker, the funny thing about writing that post was I thought to myself, "Lurker, will not be impressed" lol. There was a point in there about inclusiveness so it wasn't totally trashy... I hope.
    I think most Mr Bean episodes will hold up over time, people will recognize that they were made earlier but being stuck on a diving board are timeless. One of the guys watching is 17 or 18 and yet he knew the most about Mr Bean and was enjoying it the most. There was one scene with a tv antenna and I had to explain that "yes" you sometimes had to move them all around the room to get them to work. There was another scene where he goes to buy a new phone, a landline phone because cellphones wouldn't be common yet.

  11. I've only seen a few episodes of Mr. Bean but I thought they were funny.

    1. Richard, that's because you are an extremely intelligent, knowledgeable man who knows good art when he sees it!

  12. Hey, kiddo. I've been in a lackluster sort of mood lately so I've been reading but not commenting much. I'm trying to tone down the essays :) At the risk of sharing tmi, I've had experience (recently) with overindulging in sugar free candy. I won't go into details of passing what I thought was gas, a major hose down of my back and the throwing away of a night shirt that would never see another washing. See how much I've toned down? Try a little Vaseline on the outer hot spot. Tucks are cooling, but not helpful on raw skin. Don't cook the skin. If all else fails, spray a little Windex on it. I've been watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding again.

    1. Deedles, that's what I suspected and why me was worried. :(
      Anyway you are here now... huggy wuggy, yes that's an actual word,just don't look it up.
      I like that movie, "he's a vegetarian"... "Oh ok, I'll cook lamb" lol.
      I made the same mistake with sugar free candy, I thought it would be healthier, that's how I first heard of the term "anal leakage".... let's not go there. Oh... I guess I just went there, I think you put me under some Deedles mind control trick, I can't stop sharing... I'm gay but I HATE house music, oh no!

  13. "Anne Marie is a proper lady and would never do such a thing!" - you wanna make a bet? I have been known to crop dust the grocery store aisles!

    @deedles - I know that line cause I LOVE that movie!

  14. Anne Marie, I guessed that about you, there is probably not a shy bone in your body, lol!

  15. Alas, my overindulgence was not a mistake. I knew I could possibly spew if I ate too much. It's not the first time. However, some brands cause less spewing and more explosive barking spiders. I can eat more of those. I just ate too many more. I eat compulsively while wallowing in depression. Also, Steve & Eydie singing Sunrise, Sunset, while cathartic, didn't help with the wallowing. Thank you for sharing your hatred of house music. I don't feel so alone now :)
    Too bad I can't stand Taylor Swift, otherwise I could just Shake it Off. Wow, this little dark cloud sure is taking its own sweet time in dispersing.

  16. Deedles, so is it just me or does her "new" song sound just like one of her old songs? I think she needs to retire or go in for surgery and have that chip removed off her shoulder. See I got her for you instead... lol.

  17. Thanks, Steven. You are a true friend!
