Sunday, May 26, 2019

Touching Moments.

 This blog is often my relief valve, I usually write out thoughts that are bothering me. Once I have those thoughts down, it often gives me a sense of relief to have shared them. I worry that it could appear to people that I am a depressed person, in a state of sadness all the time. Well not to worry, I can see the edge that is not healthy to go over, I try to stay in a positive frame of mind. I have friends that can let themselves get too far, I see how those emotions can feed off themselves creating a cycle. I wanted to mention some touching moments that happened to me because they really lifted my spirits at the time.

 The first was I dropped into mom's former seniors home, some letters had come there by mistake. As I was leaving, the head nurse called out across the yard to me, "you are such a good son Steven, the way you look out for your mom, it's rare these days but you are different from most people in how much you care". I was caught off guard, so I thanked her and left. I don't think I deserve praise, I feel I'm just doing what I'm supposed to but it does feel nice to receive a compliment.

 The next moment was when the project I was working on came to an end. I had blogged about having to train a new person and not being happy about that. I feel however no blame towards the person hired, they are just here trying to do a job. I instantly liked the new person, a young woman of only twenty two. She had a good attitude of wanting to do a good job. Unlike many people who would try to make themselves feel important by belittling the new employee, my goal is to help them succeed. I never get angry over mistakes, they are just a learning tool. I would tell her, "no don't be silly, I'm not upset with you, use this as a learning experience, I guarantee that you won't make that mistake again" or sometimes I say, "you are new, we expect mistakes, don't dwell on it, learn from it and move on". I jokingly called her "my little one" or "my work niece". I enjoyed working with her. When the project ended, on her last day she thanked me for being patient with her and then gave me a little hug as she was leaving. I thought that was touching. It means a lot to me that I made her experience working here enjoyable.

 The last touching moment came yesterday, I received an email from my friend James. He likes to play around with music and sometimes records himself and his brother playing. He also creates videos and he said that he created a video for me. I was really touched and watched the video. I enjoyed the piece and he picked a theme that touched me, that really hit me because he obviously put some thought into it. Also as I was watching it, there is a special feeling to see that I'm the first person to watch it on YouTube. One of those moments that makes me go "awwww I really like that guy". If you want to watch my very own personal music video created just for me, go to''m.not.sharing. Lol :D


  1. Moments like these are the icing on the cake of life!

    1. Debra... you sent me to another happy said cake! Lol

  2. See? We're not the only ones who think you are a good son. You had better believe that head nurse, because they see a lot of negligent children at that nursing home.

    I don't get the impression that you are depressive. The fact that you can write a sad post about your mom and follow it up with some story about someone masturbating in a bathroom fascinates me. I don't know how you can keep the sadness compartmentalized.

    1. Lurker, isn't that life, one minute you are at a funeral sad, when your weird uncle bends over and splits his pants sending everyone into laughter. I do it on purpose, I don't want this to be my doom and gloom blog, that gets boring fast.

  3. That is a hazard of blogging about the blue moments; people think that is 'all of you' or you are cracking up or both.

  4. Dr Spo, blue sometimes yes... cracking up definitely yes! :D

  5. Well, I for one, believe that blogging allows you to be whatever you want to be at that moment: sad, happy, depressed, upbeat, horny, whatever it is that you are feeling at the moment, and that’s what I find interesting about you.
    You can obviously reflect on the ‘down’ moments and you are absolutely funny some other times. That sounds fantastic to me.
    You just do you (and whomever it is you wanna do, baby!) we’re here for the party


  6. Sixpence, thank you for saying I'm interesting. ;D
