Saturday, May 25, 2019

Better but not great.

 Today I did better at staying off the net but not as good as I hoped. This morning started out sunny and I received a text asking for help with the graveyard spring clean up. Since I'm on the committee I went out to help. I slept in  and didn't see the text until late, so by the time I got there, most of the work was already done. That works for me lol.

 When I came back home, it had started to rain very heavily. I didn't mind that because if it rains, then that gives you guilt free permission to work indoors. On a beautiful day, it just feels wrong to stay inside. I did some house chores and I made myself a good dinner, definitely not good enough, I should have done more. I did have a great nap after, at least that's not being on the internet. I fell down a few YouTube rabbit holes and lost some time there. I did however stop myself and shut the phone off a few times today. We shall see.


  1. Make some concrete plans for tomorrow and stick to them, or your cats will give you another lecture. Also stop having anonymous sex in public restrooms.

    1. Old Lurker, mow lawn, paper work, mow more lawn, tidy up, mow more fking lawn, hope lawnmower works.

  2. That’s great!
    Hey small doses of online fun are ok. And I feel like you do when it’s nice outside: it just makes you wanna go out and DO something.


    1. It stormed all night so I was tired this morning; however it's sunny now, yaaaah! Lol

  3. I'm of the mind "If it feels good, do it!" as long as you can pay your bills.

  4. Jimmy, sometimes that thinking leads me into trouble! ;)
