Sunday, May 26, 2019

I done good ta'day.

I got off to a rocky beginning this morning, a little too much interneting, wasted some time on line but then I got my butt in gear and I accomplished a lot today, "we are pleased with our self".  I would have had more things finished this evening, except for the fact that a neighbour dropped in and this person just doesn't know when to leave. This person is really sweet but taking hints about it getting late and how I have to get up really early in the morning, just goes right over the top of their head. Go home! Let me sleep already!


  1. set a timer on the neighbor; when the bell goes DING, the neighbor is pushed to the door!

    1. Anne Marie, I'm putting a parking meter in my yard and charging by the hour! ;)

  2. I have a neighbor who came over everyday, because he was lonely or bored. I said why don't we have 'tea' every Thursday at 3:30 and then be done by the time your husband gets home at 5:00 to fix dinner. He got the hint and now it is Tea with Eddie on Thursdays.

    1. Jimmy, sometimes you have to do that with some people.

  3. Geez. If you wanted me to go you could have just said so, I didn't realize I would be so unwelcome. I guess I'll just stay home next time.

    Good job on staying off the Internet, by the way. Cali-boi will be over shortly to administer your spanking.

  4. Lurker, well it's not that you weren't welcomed, I didn't want to hurt your feelings but I thought by pulling on my jammies and holding teddy you would get the frigging hint. Come over whenever but next time don't stay so late and also you should probably wear pants as well.

  5. Jammies??? Jammies?!?!?!? There over rated....sleep nude!

  6. Nude??? Nude??? That's over rated as well, it's still freezing cold here at night plus now we have mosquitoes!

  7. not to worry, the mistress is extremely hot blooded. you'll think your in the sahara…..

  8. Anitia, so him on one side and you on the other??? :D

    I'm just being cheeky!
