Saturday, May 25, 2019

Caught red handed!

 I was reading about a man that is fighting against being fired from his job. He even had the backing of his union; however an arbiter agreed with the employer and said the work place was within its rights to fire him. It seems he was caught with his pants down... literally. The man was fired for masturbating at work. At first I read that he went to a bathroom stall for his "hands on" work "experience". I was thinking that maybe he was stressed and it's an awful heavy "handed" punishment for self appreciation. At least it's not like he was doing it in the lunch room. I was also thinking that young people today are much more open about masturbation and maybe he didn't realize it would... explode into such an issue.

 Turns out however that he had a problem, he had been warned before. Apparently he often went into the bathroom, pulled out his... cellphone... and other thing, cued up some porn and "really" got into what he was doing. Other people were embarrassed and uncomfortable, people in the bathroom trying to relax for a number two, suddenly had to listen to his loud moaning and groaning. Also they mentioned, all the movement in the next stall was unsettling, especially as the movement kept increasing in speed until the final satisfactory grunts and groans. Even people outside of the bathroom it was said to have heard him.

 Now I have an open mind about a lot of things but this is too far. I wouldn't want a guy to pull out his... computer in the middle of us having sex and start working on a project, so I certainly wouldn't want someone practicing self love and treating it like a one man show at work. Now he is claiming sex addiction and said he used headphones to hide the sounds of the porn clips. I think it's too little too late, the work place would have probably been more understanding if he tried to do something about at his first warnings. People today have this attitude of, I will do what I like to do and the heck with everyone else.

 I can't help thinking how confident this guy must have been... because I will try to hold "anything" in at work requiring me to remove any part of my pants, let alone becoming one of those "gay audition tapes" that I keep hearing about!


  1. You're right -- he was warned. He should have curbed his behaviour then. They gave him a second chance and he . . . wait for it . . . MISHANDLED it.

    1. Debra, lol you too! I expect bad puns from the rest of the bunch but not you :D

  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! a bird in the hand...glad he got fired!

    1. Anne Marie, I wouldn't want to shake hands with him lol!

  3. Sounds like he is in the wrong business. He should find a job in a different "industry" and make his addiction work for him. Nothing like loving *ahem* your (hand)job.
    On that note, I will be stepping away from the blogosphere for awhile (I know how you worry). Camping and enjoying non online life. You have inspired me to try real life again.
    This is hilarious!

    1. Deedles, thanks for letting me know, you're right, I would have been concerned. Happy camping!

  4. I'd be upset too...if I wasn't invited into the cubicle. But there's a place and a time for everything, and work is not it for me. I never felt sexy at work. And I certainly am not in the mood for it at work. So, Bye Felicia. Wouldn't wanna be ya. Better luck at a Happy Endings massage parlor if you're into that.

    1. Walter, well you could ask him if he needs a hand with anything if you feel that left out! ;p

      How could I face my coworkers after being caught doing something like that. Some people are so weird.

  5. I'm surprised he wasn't fired the first time since choking the chicken wasn't in his job description.

    1. Bob, wouldn't it be disgusting if we found out he was working at a fried chicken place, the jokes would be plentiful.

  6. Your right about the young people thing. Just the other day at my store, I walked into the public restroom to use the facilities, which are highly glam and quite spacious. There was a young guy at the urinal, and Im pretty sure he was running one off, from the movements I saw of his arm. Now im all for getting off, sometimes these things press till tended too, but dude, at least use the stall.

    I have my own private restroom for our team on a floor, and we're three guys and one girl on out team. And I can't lie, I did one time take care of matters once, but it was the Lads fault.

    1. Maddie, it's always the Lad's fault, stop blaming him, he can't help being smoking hot. Like you and I, it's a hardship we have to endure. ;)

  7. Happy camping, Deedles. I hope you enjoy yourself.

    This reminds me of the discomfort people experience when they stumble across men cruising in public restrooms. It also reminds me of the bad experiences we have been having in Lurkville recently. Meth and opioids are bad here, and it has gotten to the point where people are afraid to use the restrooms because other people are shooting up.

    Now make like Deedles and get offline for a while! There are house chores to be done!

    1. Old Lurker, there was a real problem with guys having sex in mall toilets and city parks the last couple of years around here. I understand the excitement for some guys of anonymous sex but that's just gross when families with children walk in on something like that. As for drugs, some of the down town coffee shops don't have restrooms anymore. It's the only way to deter shooting up in there.

  8. Well. You gotta HAND it to him.

    You gave me my best laugh of the day!

    1. Jimmy if you laughed then mission accomplished. :)

  9. Hell, my source of living comes from doing drag in bars in P-Town. I have walked in on bartenders blowing the managers or owners, so masturbating would be mild here.

  10. Pearly Gates, I guess some work places are a lot more open to the idea lol!

  11. Ohhh well, taking matters into your own hands at work is really not recommended, no?
    Especially when one is so.. vocal.
    LoL about that description of the employee finishing off his business. He could make money on Chaturbate!


  12. Sixpence, the trouble is we like to think in our head of a nice looking, in shape, young man doing what young men do. We don't know, it could be a creepy guy that always smells of b.o and gives everyone the willies. Either way it would be very unsettling and he should wait to have "loads" of fun at home.

  13. He needs to find a job that allows working from home.

  14. Richard, like making porn clips maybe? Actually the man definitely needs help, one of the signs of addiction is when it interferes with your work... so yes he needs help.
