Saturday, December 15, 2018

Spring break for Christmas?

 A blanket of fog (more like a large comforter) came rolling across the fields this morning. I was wondering what that means, as most things weather related these days are very unusual for the time of year. Look closely, you will see a Christmas ghost coming out of the fog oooohwoo, ok I'm going to grow up now.

Fortunately it was nothing bad, it was just a sign of a beautiful day ahead. The temperature started to rise, snow started to melt and drip from the roofs.

 Most importantly the sun came out, it was a warm sunny day, the kind of day that recharges your batteries. After plowing snow from my yard, I did one of the most important things at Christmas, yes I cleaned up and put away my lawnmower! It's a small tractor mower and for winter I like to put it in a building that is high off the damp ground. That's how fast winter took over here, I expected at least one more turn at cutting the lawn so I was keeping it in a shed, I never expected to be under snow cover so fast. I had to leave it in the shed until it became warm enough to start it. Today was a beautiful March like day, there were even a lot of birds out picking up what they could find. Now with the lawnmower and garden tools stored for winter, I just need to put away the Halloween stuff and I'm ready to tackle Christmas! Just joking about the Halloween stuff I ate that a long time ago.


  1. Don't tell me you are one of those people who mows his snowbanks?

    I mostly missed the nice day. Nothing but gray for me for the next six months (and not John Gray, either).

    1. OL, so being a guy I just had to see what would happen if I tried to mow the snow. I think it would have worked a little with really dry powder type snow. The snow yesterday was wet and really sticky and clogged up the mower. Tim the tool man Tailer or what!!! :)

  2. Good for you! And weather has been insane here too! We had a closer-to-forty heatwave and the snow is all but gone. And hopefully you didn’t eat any old candy corn...

    1. Sixpence, candy corn seems to be an American Halloween treat so I never buy it.

  3. Are you telling me your didn't get your balls out yet?

    It was a very warm and mild one here today, but I haven't had real cold here yet.

  4. Maddie, I didn't decorate but I am bringing my tasty balls to a party tomorrow. They're a nice fit in your mouth size and both guys and women tell me how much they love the taste of my balls, it's the milk chocolate that I cover them with that makes people want them so much.

  5. are your ears burning? maddie and I had a boozy lunch yesterday and we talked about our fave bloggers! I WANT YOUR BALLS!

  6. Anne Marie, I think you're the first woman to ever say that to me! Lol
    I will post how to make them sometime this week. It's really simple and takes only minutes, so yes a typical lazy ass bachelor type of recipe.
    You guys are on my favorite list to! :D

  7. Yes, put away the lawnmower and pull out the snowblower!

  8. "Anne Marie, I think you're the first woman to ever say that to me!" - and probably the last, I would guess! LOL am interested in your recipe.

    1. Anne Marie, you are probably right because even gay men don't say that to me :(... lol.
      I will put up the recipe later.

  9. I hardly think AM is the first or last woman to crave Steven's balls. Aren't you always complaining about how women hit on you at work?

    While we are on the topic, Anne-Marie has a Christmas song for you:

    1. OL, there is a post somewhere from ten or more years ago (holy ships has it been that long) about the first time I went to a gay bar and the whole night I was hit on by a beautiful woman, she even kept feeling my leg!!!

  10. I hope you had a great time at the party.

    1. Richard, yes I had a good time but it wasn't a real party so to speak.

  11. What marvelous photos! How lovely.

  12. Thank you Dr Spo, I don't remember much from that morning.... I was in a fog... baa dump bummm!!! :)
