Friday, December 14, 2018

Ten Days Until... WHAT!?!

 Holy gingersnaps! I better get my butt into Christmas gear! Ten days to get ready, now I know that I keep saying I like to coast into the Christmas holidays but I don't have anything done. I was thinking about painting the dining room where I keep the tree. However when I checked the calendar, I realized I would be cutting it close. There is enough to do without adding stress and making the house stinky with paint smell. It's ok to paint on warmer days but not so much when you can't open the windows.

Must do shopping, must clean house, must bake cookies, must bake more cookies, too late to send cards... aaah, must put up tree... hmmm, must bake more cookies, oooh must use holiday as an excuse to buy drinks. I'm ok with everything except the clean house part lol.


  1. One year I did 'happy new year' cards.
    Though with social media you can keep up
    with practically anybody.

    1. I was going to send Christmas cards out last Easter for a joke. I like getting them so I should send them as well.

  2. NOT too late to send cards. just say NO to paint, clean house, cookies, decorating.

    1. Anne Marie, how about we swap, no cards and yes to cookies!

  3. Replies
    1. I'm so honored to have a supermodel drop by my blog! Okay, okay I making mistakes as fast as I can!

  4. Get you hand out of your pants, and the other off the keyboard from porn, and get the tree up! I just did mine.

    1. Maddie, what are you implying! I am so insulted how dare y... hmmm yup you know me too well. I guess I shouldn't do cookies next right?


  5. Good grief. Here comes the Christmas baking.

    In addition to Maddie's advice, you might cut back on the Grindr. Or does that explain the Christmas baking?

    1. OL, are you worried I will be half baked? I don't really know what Grindr is but it's funny how often you mention that site! ;p

  6. I’m only doing cards and like you have not started. It’s gonna be crazy tomorrow when I sit and write them all. Mistress Maddie inspired me to add some greenery and that’s all I did for ‘festive decor’. One thing though. Don’t paint leavit it for the Spring. I’d rather smell cookies than turpentine.


    1. Sixpence, good advice as usual, I will put off the painting. I am going to do some decorating because it makes me feel happy.

  7. It did sneak up this year.
    I really need to do some Christmas shopping.

    1. Bob while you are out, can you pick me up some...
      It did sneak up the last two weeks, one day it's December first and the next it's Christmas go time!

  8. I just want to know, what did Maddie mean when he said "I just did mine"? That first sentence is kind of ambiguous :)

    1. I'm assuming he meant tree, Maddie is not shy, oh boy is he ever not shy, so if he did anything else there would be pictures on his blog about it lol!

  9. I only bought one gift this year which was for my father. I always wondered why we can put a man on the moon but we can't build a house that cleans itself.

  10. Richard, what... you mean you didn't get my list in the mail yet???
    Self cleaning house, come on Elon Musk! He put a car in space for Pete's sake!

  11. Your feigned ignorance is not plausible, but it is endearing.

  12. OL, ok you got me but I have never used that site, that's for hooking up, I want a boyfriend, after I get to know someone, then we can shag like bunnies. Still it's funny how it often comes to your mind!

  13. Silly Steven. How else do you think guys find companionship these days? They get on Grindr, have a progressively dissatisfying series of hookups, give up all hope, become ex-gays and then marry women. Problem solved!

  14. OL, your line of thinking has a few loops in it! :)

  15. None of this sound 'must' minus the cookies.

  16. Dr Spo, I see you have your priorities straight! :)
