Monday, December 17, 2018

My Sunday adventures.

 I got a text a few weeks back from a straight friend, he had a question for me and the next thing I knew, he was sometimes telling me to go harder, faster and then softer, slower, gentler. Yes that's right, I joined a curling team! If you are not familiar with the sport, that's where they slide the curling rocks down the ice. You are trying to gain points by where your rock lands and you are also playing against an opposing team so you want a better rock position than them, plus it doesn't hurt to bump a few of their rocks off out. ;)

 When I first got the text, I warned my friend that I have never played before, I do actually watch it from time to time but I wasn't a dedicated fan, so I'm always learning about game rules. I didn't do too badly the first week and I really enjoyed it. I was told that the league is just for fun, there are people who play at every level and not to worry. At first I was a spare in case someone got sick but now I'm on a team.

 It's a good way to get out of the house, I know most of the people on the other team's as well. It's fun to trash talk and tell the other players that they are going down, lol. After, we have drinks, go over our mistakes, brag about the perfect shots each other made, then bust out laughing. That was the Christmas party I mentioned, we have stopped playing until after Christmas and everyone brought food, snacks etc. It gave us a chance to catch up with old friends and to meet some of the new people in the area.

 After we hit the showers, my favorite part! It's weird, most know that I'm gay and will ask me to wash their back but not their other straight friends, I joke about how far down am I allowed to go, they just smile and shrug their shoulders but never try to stop me so I grab ass.... you guys are such pervs, I'm totally joking here, nobody takes a shower after, it's not like hockey or football lol.

 I have wanted to try curling for a long time , I did try to find a team when I lived in the city but no place seemed interested in beginners. I'm also trying to add to my personal folder in life, I even find myself boring at times and want more interesting things to talk about. I'm having a lot of fun and it does help to take away the winter blues. Wow look at me, I'm a total jock now... hahaha!


  1. well, look at you! a jock! seriously, glad you are getting out and doing something fun and meeting new people. you have cum (heh) a long way this year; proud of you!

    1. Anne Marie, thank you and yes I am trying to get out more. I get into a bad habit of staying him a lot because it's easier to just stay home but that's not healthy.

  2. Showers after curling?
    Do you sweat that much to need a shower?

    1. John, actually you do sweat at points when you are running after a rock and sweeping like mad to help take out an opponent but not enough for a shower lol, that's why I said I was just kidding.

  3. I was imagining the shower play and the you put the kibosh on that!

    But, yeah,what John said about the shower after curling!

    1. Bob, I know my readers, I could just see everyone sit up when I said showers and then boo me after they realize that I was tricking them. :)

  4. That's great! You'll have fun and meet a lot of people. And straight people sometimes have gay friends or relatives they might try to fix you up with, so who knows what could happen? Or maybe you'll meet another curler who's not quite as straight as he appears . . . . But even if you don't, it's a good way to help pass the winter!

    1. Debra, yes a good way to pass the winter. As for gay friends... usually my straight friends tell me that their gay friend is me lol.

  5. Ohh Sporty,aren’t we? It’s cool you found a winter sport! Really. But I have to accept you got me all interested once or twice with your story. I have a terribly dirty mind.


    1. Sixpence, you have a dirty mind, I knew there was something about you that I really liked! Lol, gotcha!

  6. You big tease! Enjoy yourself, Sporty Spice.

  7. So what your saying is that your getting your rocks off?

    1. Maddie, I was wondering how long it was going to take before that joke was used and I wondered if it was going to be you first!!! I so know you! Hahaha!

  8. No, I think he is saying that he throws stones at other people's houses.

    1. O.O !!!! Wow OL that was the best comment by far... hahaha! For people who don't know, the rings you need to curl your rock into is referred to as "the house" so you can be really punny when you want to!

  9. But once again Steven has buried the lede. Did your fellow curlers appreciate your balls at the party?

    1. OL, so it seems you also can try to be funny but overreach! :p
      Actually no they didn't really try tasting my balls :(.... there was a lot of food there and so many people want to "eat healthy" now, seriously they're sick people.

  10. I hear there is a lot of rubbing involved?

    1. JP, not that I am aware of? You must be thinking about another sport, there is a lot of sweeping but I bring my cleaning lady! :D

  11. Incidentally, I knew the shower paragraph was pure fiction as soon as I read the words "most know that I'm gay".

    1. OL, you really anger me....... when you call me out on things that are true, this is not how it's supposed to work!
      Some people know, some don't but nobody ever asks so I think they suspect. I don't feel I need to go around telling people, if anyone sees me around one of my gay friends they know pretty quick.

  12. Seriously, I am so glad you are into Curling. I find it interesting. I like to call it "Chess on Ice".

  13. Leeanna, actually we joke as well about it being Chess on ice lol. That's a huge part of the fun watching the other players faces when we wipe them out. ;)
