Tuesday, August 21, 2018

In the Habit.

 Sometimes I find that I do things from habit, I no longer think about it, I have just always done something a certain way for years. I was trying to wash my hands with little pieces of soap, it's not like I can't afford soap, using a new bar would save me a huge amount of time compared to trying to lather up a bunch of micro pieces. Yet here I am trying to use these little pieces, I don't want to waste them, I have just always tried to get %100 out of my soap. The same thing happens with the tube of toothpaste, by the end I am squeezing the very last drop from the tube, if a pavement roller was working outside, I would probably ask the guy to roll over the tube. I have always done this, I can hear my parents voices, "it's a sin to waste".

 These are just habits because I have no problem wasting things, especially food or should I say healthy food, non healthy food never gets thrown out, I have never tossed a box of cookies because they were past their best before date!

 I also have a habit of keeping black bananas for the banana bread that I am never going to make. I try to make sure the shampoo and deodorant bottles are completely empty, you would think the world was runny out. I grow lettuce and beets because I always have yet I almost never eat them, I give them away to friends. I buy a local paper when I am getting groceries and often don't read past the first two or three pages. I watch the news at six, even though I could get it anywhere at anytime, we always watched the six o'clock so I feel it's the only real news. I like to see what movies are playing or what events are happening on the weekend, even though I will most likely not go. I am a strange man, I know.


  1. One of the things that apparently drove Princess Diana absolutely stark raving mad about Prince Charles is that he uses one of those little roller devices to squeeze every last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. True trivia!

  2. I thought you'd become a monk when I read the title of your blog!

    We are all creatures of habit. They bring us comfort, I think.

    I also try never to waste anything, especially food. My kids roll there eyes at me sometimes......

  3. I am definitely the same way with soap and toothpaste cutie. except with the soap, it goes in the can now when the bar gets so thin it breaks. I don't have the patience anymore.

    And it may surprise you every drop of gin comes out of those bottles too. I stick a straw in the suck out the last drops!!!!!!

  4. @maddie - yes, we don't want to waste good gin made by good philadelphians!

    we use up things in this house too and we are diligent about not wasting food and water.

    we read the newspaper online; we don't watch tv.

  5. I am the same way with wasting things. I guess I have this engrained from my mother as she even reuses sandwich bags.
    We all have our own little idiosyncrasies, trust me on that.

  6. Oh dear lord, soap slivers! Balder Half has saved those things for as long as I've known him (we were fifteen when we met) and I married him anyway! Forty-three years of soap slivers! He says he's saving up to melt them down into one big bar. Married forty-three tears, sleeping together forty-four and I have yet to see that come to pass! I have no patience with slivers. I now have folds that they can get lost in. Front butt alone can hold at least five under it! I, not so discretely anymore, just throw out the old slivers and add on the new. Habit.
    I squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle, and I dare anyone to stop me! I wish I wasted food. If I did, I probably wouldn't be diabetic or have a soap sliver grasping front butt.
    All bananas coming into my home are considered to be future banana bread. I make a mean one :)

  7. That forty-three tears should be years. Freudian? Nah, finger slip.

  8. My parents were the same way. I throw the soap silvers away. I'm like Maddie, I don't have the patience and I suck the last drop of gin out of the bottle.

    1. We can have a sucking party ....its good to the last drop.

  9. @maddie - uh, I don't think richard meant THAT kind of sucking...

  10. Quit trying to change the subject, boyo. You're going to Pride, right?

    Honestly I don't know why anybody bothers with lettuce. Beets have their place, if they are roasted until they are soft.

    I don't know why all your commenters are obsessing over soap slivers. Just glue the old sliver to the new bar of soap. Done!

  11. Not to be worrying: I just had a shower in which are 4-5 little remnants of old soap bars I used to lather up and not try to drop them down the drainpipe. So if you are weird so am I OR we are fine sensible fellows.
