Monday, August 20, 2018

Nooo! Lip Leprosy!

 This week in Ottawa is pride week, next weekend will be the parade. All week long there will be all sorts of events and I planned on going. I was hoping to convince at least one of the guys I met but if not I was going anyway.

 Yesterday I felt a soreness on my bottom lip, by evening it looked like someone had punched me. Aaaahhh! It's a cold sore! I am hideous! I'm a monster! I have face herpes!!! Well isn't that just perfect timing, their is no way I am going to anything looking like this. What... is this high school all over again, I would be excited about a dance coming up, only to develop a giant pimple on my forehead like a unicorn or on my nose like a rhino! Oh for Pete's sake, now I will never find Mr right. People will think I have some STI and keep away from me. I know you did this to me on purpose universe because of the back talk I have been giving you!


  1. Think yourself lucky , I have psoriasis I on my knees

  2. oh jeeze, gurl! you will be fine by the weekend. put neosporin on that bad boy.

  3. I have never had a cold sore, so I don't know how long they last. Maybe it will go away by the weekend?

  4. Oh go and have fun! I'm sure there will be folks there suffering from worse things, but they'll be there anyway. If push comes to shove, put on one of those mask thingies that some wear to avoid getting sick. They seem to be kind of common now.
    Of course, I've never had a cold sore in my life and I only had pimples one at a time and infrequently. Soooooo, maybe I should just shut up.
    In all seriousness, in the general climate of today, don't let the little things stop you from enjoying your life. I suck at pep talks, but I try.

  5. If you don't get your ass to Pride then I will get the Universe to schedule a raccoon convention on your front porch, with skunks as the keynote speakers. Put on a Hannibal Lecter mask on if you must. (Some of the guys at Pride might find that hot.) You are NOT sitting Pride out. Capiche?

    As for me, I have a giant pimple on the middle of my nose that is not going to diminish for months. I hope it is not a wart. Everybody thinks I am a witch already, and this just makes things worse.

  6. It should be cleared up enough by the weekend to have some fun. Get thee to pride, my man.

  7. Go to pride, I suffer from them as well. And I’m sure it’s not nearly as bad as it feels. But seriously, go have fun.
