Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Zero Mile Diet.

 Have you heard of the 100 miles diet? Basically you try to eat only food that has been grown within a hundred miles from your place. There goes my banana bread problem, the banana crop in Canada hasn't been doing so well lately. The thinking is that this will save the environment from the effects of transporting food. This evening I had a zero mile diet. Everything that I ate, I grew myself, including dessert. Makes me feel good when I grow healthy food for myself, very heritage or back to the land like the hippies in the sixties.

I love the fresh taste, plus I don't have to worry about any chemicals on my food. The garden is growing well and I have been eating produce from it but tonight I wanted to have a meal entirely grown by me.

I'm no chef but it turned out well.... yum! Little bit of butter, a little bit of salt and pepper and I am ready for my meal. I decided to have a vegetarian meal to make it really healthy but I could have used eggs from my hens for protein. Now if I could figure out a way of cleaning the kitchen without having to do dishes!


  1. good for you! spouse planted a tomato, a cherry tomato, and a cucumber plant in the spring. the cuke has been growing like a weed, the cherry tomato is running a close second, and the tomato gave up two units and died. been a wet cloudy spring/summer here. no chemicals were used.

    1. Anne Marie, I am lucky in that I have a green thumb, well I guess it would be bad to live on a farm and kill every plant I touched lol. The last few years there seems to be something in the soil that kills cucumber plants but I don't really care I'm not a fan anymore, I grow mini watermelons instead.

  2. Very commendable, Steve. I, however, cannot survive on my neighbor's tomatoes and zucchini, or the weeds that I grow in my yard. I can lose weight by throwing it all up (not on purpose) though. Living near Livermore Labs we figure everything is probably radioactive anyway.

    1. Deedles, do you have fish with three eyes like in the Simpson's cartoons? In your case then I would go on a thousand miles diet!!!

  3. Looks good. Did you make the butter? The farm to table movement is really big here.

    1. Richard, yes I made the butter, don't you remember my cow milking picture? As I also went to the farm's salt mine and ground up our black pepper as well... you can expect a smart ass email from me Mr!

  4. Hahahahaha -- "zero mile diet" -- love that phrase!

  5. Cleaning the kitchen without doing dishes is trivial. The solution is: houseboys. Do you think Mistress Maddie ever has to clean up around the house?

    I'm not sure whether to nag you about going to pride or about not selling your farm for this post. I will just note that if you move to the city your garden will be smaller and your vegetables will be covered in car exhaust, so you had better stay on the farm. Also you should go to Pride.

    1. OL, selling the farm is necessary for my mother's care, it's expensive and the price is climbing. I will probably go to pride but they are calling for heavy rain so I'm not doing that lol!

  6. Steven, are you okay? You've been quieter than usual. Did we nag you too much? I've been extra yakky the past couple of days, so everybody seems quiet :)

    1. Deedles, yes I'm fine, thanks for asking. It's just that I'm trying to take advantage of our last beautiful days of summer, so less internet time!

  7. I think Steven is regretting inviting me back.

    How have you been doing these days, Duchess?

    1. I don't remember inviting you back OL, did I really do that? O.O
      I just burned OL, hehehe! Maybe I could get you as a house boy, you are probably in my price range, do you do dishes?

  8. Hey OL, I've been manically obnoxious the past few days. I'm slowly coming down. I didn't realize I was depressed until I went online and bought three hard cover biographies and four jewelry sets! At least I stopped shopping for shoes. So, same crap, different day. Thanks for asking. I hope you are okay.

  9. I hope the biographies are good. Unconscious spending sprees can be expensive and scary. I hope you did not harm your pocketbook too much. Next time you are in a shopping mood, maybe you could find Steven a husband? Or failing that, a houseboy to wash his dishes?

  10. Steven, as long as you're okay, you enjoy these last days of summer! It was just May! What happened?! Backing away from the internet is a good thing. You don't end up with unnecessary stuff! I may take all of September away, and get back into my jigsaw puzzles. I could clean the house, but I don't want to go overboard :)
    By the way, I don't care if our fish have three eyes or not. As I said somewhere else, if it doesn't come in fish stick form or if it isn't albacore in a can, I am not interested!

  11. I went to a farm yesterday with a bunch of teacher from my school. It is a non-profit farm that helps feed people in need healthy, organic, nutritious food. It was fascinating learning all about the farming process and how they get the produce planted and how they avoid using pesticides and herbicides.

    1. Michael, we never used chemicals, that is one of the things I miss when the garden is finished in the fall.

  12. You have two farms. Surely you don't need to sell them both?

    You caught me. Nobody invited me back. Why would anybody want me back?

    I do dishes under duress, but don't have the figure necessary to be an effective houseboy.

  13. I live in central London - does Borough Market count?

  14. The 100 mile diet lets me only eat lizards and cacti. No fun that.

  15. JP, sure it counts because you probably have to import everything anyway.

  16. Dr Spo, well you could come up with a recipe for scorpions!

  17. Looks great! I hadn't heard of this diet before.

  18. RB, it's sort of an environmental movement, I think it's probably a good thing within reason.
