Sunday, August 23, 2020

On the right side.

 Thursday was a very emotional day for me, I was In tears all the way home. Not emotional from being upset, emotional in a good way. My faith in a lot of things were restored that day, I had given up hope on life, on people, on anything positive in general. However on that day truth won, caring won, doing the right thing won, saying the right thing won, decency won. I needed that victory.


  1. Yay!
    So glad you're feeling better. And that you've found that the faith you have on people and things has been restored.
    I'm going to have to follow your advice on not staying mad for too long. That's my weakness.


  2. I'm glad you were victorious.

  3. This is a splendid thing to read during these times! Glad to know all is well with you.

  4. Glad to hear this Steven. We all need a little faith and hope!
    Take care,

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  6. Sometimes an act of kindness can bring us to tears. I’m glad something clicked for you.

  7. may it carry you as your remember this when times suck

  8. We all need a victory to restore our faith every now and then. I'm glad you got one.
