Monday, June 29, 2020

Running on Empty.

 Last night I had another good night's sleep, I think that's very important, lack of sleep can begin to break you down. The pills seem to be working wonders, I take one around ten and I'm off to dream land. Usually I don't wake up until six in the morning. I really feel that was 90% of my problem, I was averaging about three and a half hours of sleep a night, usually I need at least eight. Not enough sleep means you can't think straight (no pun intended), my hands and feet begin to cramp up and twitch constantly. I become emotional, everything makes me cry.  I feel my rhythm is coming back, I even take short naps during the day now, something I couldn't even think of a few days ago. My appetite is returning, no significant crying today, my dry mouth is gone, so is that sick feeling in my stomach. It's frightening how one thing going off kilter can cause a chain reaction. If the sleeping pills didn't work, I would be in serious trouble.

 Also the socializing, that's important. My brain needs to interact with another person, without it the loneliness hits. I need to be sure and get out at least every second day. I have talked to people on the phone but that doesn't seem to fully cut it, I need to interact with people even if we are six feet apart. This day was a much better day, thank you everyone who left comments, sent emails, sent phone numbers or ecards. Some day I would love to meet many of you.


  1. Yay!
    That’s great news! Glad you’re sleeping better. Trust me, when I don’t sleep, I’m also super grumpy. Totally feel you.
    And I think you’re beginning to realize what is it that causes the jittery fits, the dry mouth and the anxiety. Now, you need to do more of the fun things so the icky things go away. And wear a mask when you socialize!


  2. Yes, sleep and socializing is important for your well-being.

    Do the phone conversations help at all? If so then call some of the people who sent you their numbers.

    I am glad you had a good day, and I will leave you in peace soon, but I still want you to reach out and get some professional help. Call your doctor and/or get a referral to a therapist.

    I am also glad you are getting sleep. At some point you will want to get sleep without the pills, but that can come later. We don't need you trapped in the Valley of the Dolls.

  3. Sweet sleep, necessary to calm the mind and recharge the batteries. I’m glad to hear things are improving. But don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Take it slow and stay the course.

  4. Good to know you're sleeping and feeling better. Better living through chemistry.

  5. Glad to hear that you are sleeping. I know how I am when I don't sleep enough. The world seems like a horrible place. Take care...
