Friday, May 1, 2020

Thoughts on food.

 May first already??? I feel we are being robbed of our spring! :(
If this was January or February first and they asked us to stay home, I would have been thinking, "meh okay"! However everything is pretty much ruined until a vaccine shows up.

 What are your thoughts on food? Here are some of mine.

1) I like porridge for breakfast, eventually I ran out of the instant porridge. I always have the regular kind on hand for baking and decided to try it. Wow, I like it so much better, I just add in some berries or a little maple syrup and it's delicious. I think I may eat this from now on instead of the instant packets.

2) I don't freeze bread, I find it hard to keep from getting that freezer burnt taste or smell. I never throw it out, I toss it into the fields and the birds love it. Many times however... I had the feeling there would come a day when it would be hard to get bread and I would regret not trying to save some. That day arrived, I miss it but I'm learning to live without it.

3) Speaking of freezing food. My friends were laughing at me last Christmas (4 months already) about how I bought a bunch of chocolates on sale and to stop myself from eating them, I threw them into my upright freezer. They are called "Turtles" and are some of my favorite chocolates, they are in little packages and they scattered down through all the food I had frozen in my freezer. Now when I take out chicken breasts or spaghetti sauce, I find a frozen treat... and sadly it makes me really really happy!
4) I'm getting into my frozen berries from last year, I froze them on cookie sheets for an hour, I sealed them in small bags and then sealed the small bags in larger bags. Now they taste and smell like the day I froze them. I also have a package to make dreamwhip. I made myself a treat yesterday, it was delicious!

 5) Speaking of treats, how many of you are trying out your baking skills?  Let's just say that I made more cookies last month than probably I have made in the last two years. Now I know what you are all thinking, "but don't you live on your own Steven"... umm, ahem, umm... yes... oink oink snort!


  1. I LOVE Turtles! You can keep the breakfast crap.

    1. Jimmy, well oats are not just for horses you know! :D

  2. Ooooh, turtles! Balder Half's favorite. I just thawed and prepared pterodactyl hot wings! We've almost gotten to the bottom of our chest freezer. That brontosaurus steak should be appearing some time soon.
    I stopped baking for the most part about five years ago. I used to make killer desserts, but I would be the only one eating the fancy stuff, you know, cake with frosting. BH likes 'em plain. He wouldn't even eat the turtle cake I made for gatherings and such.
    I'm seriously hoping that the medication I'm taking more frequently is the cause of my ten pound weight gain. I need something to blame it on. I know in my heart of hearts that it isn't the Hershey's with almonds or the occasional sips of beer that's doing it.

    1. Deedles, I'm about half way through the goods in my freezer. Today I found an organic pasture raised steak and two packages of organic pork chops! Boy did I ever do a happy dance! I also found a Neanderthal in deerskin inside, so if I'm ever lonely I will thaw out my new friend.
      Plus it's probably the meds or beer causing your gain, seriously it can't be the chocolate with almonds!

  3. I don't bake.
    Carlos is the MasterBaker at our house. If he has his way, he'd MasterBake all day long.

    1. Bob, I totally missed the joke here (747 right overhead) until I saw Deedles being Deedles! Good one!
      Let Carlos bake and you help out by saying how delicious it is.

  4. @Bob- do you watch Carlos as he MasterBakes? Bored minds want to know :)

    1. Deedles... classic, I burst out laughing here!
      I... on the other hand, do not want to know... I want pictures!

  5. I'm with you -- I never freeze bread either because I can ALWAYS taste freezer burn on it, no matter how short a time it's in the freezer. That's the mark of "Grade A Tastebuds," you know.

    1. Debra, my mother would freeze all bread that was going stale to make turkey stuffing and all bananas to make banana bread. The freezer was full of bread and bananas to the point of having no room for anything else.

  6. I bake regularly. Breakfast for me, everyday, is a cup of real oatmeal (nothing instant) to which I add a tablespoon of each: walnuts, almonds, roasted sunflower seeds, dried cherries and chunky peanut butter. Sometimes I throw in a bit a cinnamon. and the whole thing gets sweetened with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. It's very healthy.

    1. Dave, right now I only have berries, maple syrup or brown sugar to add but I will try your suggestions next time I get to go shopping.

  7. @Dave R- Oh good grief! Is the oatmeal only there to glue all the good stuff together?

  8. Deedles, to be honest I was thinking he just needs to add an egg, bake it in the oven and he has an oatmeal cake! Lol

  9. It's fun to have food in the freezer ... and the turtle is ready to heat 😄

    1. Himawan Sant, my spell check goes crazy when I type your name in lol. Yes I'm lucky to have the freezer, this way I don't need to go out.

  10. IKR, Spring has just begun but... It's May already! Shocked. Well, I gotta admit I love basically all food. I eat everything, yup. And I eat a lot. That cup of berries and some whip cream, it looks dee-lish, baby! :)

  11. Bob... no... just no.. Deedles is like the energiser bunny and you just changed her batteries. Hahaha, I said "changed her batteries" there's a naughty joke in there too!

  12. Hot Guys, my dessert was as good as it looks! I'm not a big eater but I like a lot of different foods.

  13. Steven, as I've stated a million times or more, I AM SOLAR POWERED, BABY!

  14. Deedles, oooh that's why you are in California, sunshine most days.

  15. I do freeze bread. Many years ago Alton Brown on the Food network had a show on sandwiches. He recommended that you always toast your bread. It gives the sandwich a nuttier flavor and is a better conveyance for all of the other items.

    And I’ve got big bag of chocolate chips in the freezer. Whenever I get something out, I grab a handful of chips. And I got a big bag of frozen mixed berries from Costco. Great on ice cream.

  16. HuntleyBiGuy, now I want chocolate chip cookies or muffins with berries!

  17. I have a lot of frozen things too but I forget what they are. I need to better label what does into the freezer.
    Good for you with the morning porridge routine. I should do likewise.

  18. Dr Spo, I don't label very well either, I always mistakenly believe that I will remember later on what is inside. I started calling everything, "dinner surprise".

  19. We have had some Pandemic Cravings... but our preferences during Pandemic haven't changed... we just can't get as much Fresh Food as we used to since I don't do the Death Runs to the Grocer unless I absolutely MUST! It just Feels too much like a Supply Run on an Episode of "The Walking Dead" and I'm an Anxiety ridden wreck with how much Stupid is out there not taking this Virus seriously... they will surely be the Undoing of all the measures saner Heads and more Disciplined Informed Souls have taken to contain spread... it's infuriating!

  20. Bohemian, I understand the anxiety feeling of having to go to the store. I had enough food until now, I'm running low.
