Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dreaming about dreaming.

 This morning I frightened the daylights out of myself and woke up panicked. I have this bizarre habit of becoming aware that my body is asleep. I don't know anyone else with this capability but I have read about other people having the same experience. In case you are not clear of what I am saying, my mind wakes up and is aware that I am sleeping but my body is still asleep, so I'm trapped in my own body.

 I try to send signals to my body like "move your arm" something that will start to wake myself up. Usually I can eventually get my body to twitch but I can't snap out of it. Sometimes I try to worked myself up to see if the rush of emotions will wake me. The best option I find is to make a sound, I keep trying to say "HEY WAKE-UP" and eventually it will start to work, however what comes out is more like "muhh, muaaguh" than "hey wake up"

 This morning I had that sensation again, I hate it, I imagine it must be slightly similar to what paralyzed people feel, being trapped in your own body. While lying there, I suddenly got it into my head that the last thing I remember was driving home from work. I panicked because I thought if  my last memory is of me driving home... then I must have fallen asleep at the wheel while driving and I'm about to crash! My brain was screaming WAKEUP! WAKEUP! WAKEUP! I expected at any second to feel an impact! I hope this is not a new thing, some tortuous half awake, half nightmare dream that my mind is going to start throwing at me. I snapped awake in bed (thankfully), then I thought to myself "awww son of a b...h"!


  1. Jesus Christ! That doesn't sound like much fun.

  2. Debra, noooo it's definitely not fun.

  3. Wow, this used to happen to me all of the time! I've had fewer episodes the past couple of years. I'd be screaming at the top of my lungs (so I thought) and I couldn't move to save my life! All Balder Half heard was a tiny peeping sound coming from my side of the bed. He was no help :) Google sleep paralysis. It's fascinating.

  4. I used to have things similar to that happen when I took Ambien to sleep. I changed drugs. Problem solved. It is very scary. My other half would shake me and really be un nerved.

  5. I do sometimes wake up and feel my hand under my head, but then realize both hands are at my sides. Eerie.

  6. what stuff are you on? the mistress always says pay for the good stuff and that won't happen.

    meanwhile talk of a fright when getting up, you should see him in the AM, something always stand on end.

  7. Never had that experience, but I'd probably be up for it at least once just to see what it's like.

  8. That’s an interesting situation. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it before. I can only imagine how frightening that could be. I rarely remember any of my dreams. Maybe it’s better that way.

  9. That's never happened to me.

  10. During REM sleep the body goes limp and the ability to move things goes down. Sometimes the brain wakes before the muscle connections do (this isn't supposed to happen). When it does the brain is awake but one is paralyzed to move. Very frightening. IN the past people interpreted this state as being hexed by witches and demons.

  11. Spo….being hexed by witches and demons! Now don't be telling Mr Beans that. That is the last thing he now needs to hear about.

  12. This sounds awful. It has never happened to me.
